Title IX

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The Title IX Office continually strives to maintain and strengthen a climate which fosters civility, mutual respect, and inclusivity for all community members. Their primary concern is your safety and well-being and they are tasked with following up on all reports of sexual misconduct experienced by our community members.

The Title IX Office provides information on how to report incidents, Title IX resources, and upcoming programming events. 

The Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities (OSCRR) is responsible for the overall administration and management of the University's conduct process involving nonacademic student misconduct.

Yoga as Healing is a multiple week program taking place during each semester at USF in conjunction with UCSF. Each class offers survivors a safe space to gain greater awareness around strength, stability, assertiveness, and mindfulness. Classes will have different themes, focus on various restorative postures, build strength in the core, explore positive affirmations, and will also be coupled with guided activities including de-briefing exercises, journaling, and art.