Payroll FAQs

General Payroll Questions

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A new cloud-based human resources capital management and payroll system powered by Workday. This system will revolutionize how we conduct our internal business processes and operations.


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Manage Payroll Options

Current Employees: Log into MYUSF and click the link Past W-2 Statements for current employees

(Past W-2 Statement Link) Former Employees: Contact

Please refer to Pay Schedule Calendar.

Current Employees: All Pay Stubs before January 2019 may be accessed through (Link: Historical Paystubs)

Current Employees: From January 2019 and on Paystubs are available in USFWorks under Payslips

Manage Payroll Options

Former Employees: Contact Payroll at

Check your Payslips

Manage Payroll Options

Email and include CWID number, pay period and check number. Refer to your Payslips for the information.

Paychecks are mailed to the employer’s Primary Address on USFWorks.

Time Tracking Questions 

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Exempt Employees enters a leave report, which tracks when the employee is absent from work.

Non Exempt Employees (Hourly and Student Employees) enter hours worked.

Contact HR Compensation at or (415) 422-6707

Under employee’s profile click the arrow icon next to each job title.

The lock out period is during payroll processing. On pay day you will be able to go in and enter time.

Supervisor must email with changes

Go into USFWorks and under Time enter the hours for the prior period.

Contact supervisor regarding the status of onboarding.

USFWorks automatically calculates overtime.

Enter Time Worked - Hourly Staff

No, the compensatory time earned is added to the balance after the pay period has been processed.

Contact HR Compensation at or (415) 422-6707

  • Student Employees: Ineligible for holiday pay.
  • Full-Time: Holiday pay auto populates with employee’s hours.
  • Part-Time: If eligible enter number of hours scheduled to work.

If eligible part time employees get paid for the amount of hours scheduled to work.

Check the beginning period balance of vacation leave under Absence. The system will not allow one to enter or save vacation leave if the hours exceed the beginning period balance.

Check the beginning period balance of sick leave under Absence. The system will not allow one to enter or save vacation leave if the hours exceed the beginning period balance.

Staff will not be paid on the scheduled pay date. After payroll processing, submit and approve staff’s time.

Contact supervisor to approve your timesheet before the approval deadline