Planning Resources

Operating Budget Requests

Budget Assist is the University's online operating budget submission platform. New requests as well as contractual budget initiatives can be submitted. Users are required to provide a set of qualitative inputs, budgets, scores, and supporting files.

Once requests are reviewed by Planning & Budget for completeness, they are forwarded to their respective unit and division leaders for electronic approvals. The University's leadership will consider all division approved initiative requests for funding as part of the next fiscal year's budget creation process. Refer to the Budget Calendar for submission deadlines.

Creating or Modifying Academic Programs

Requests to modify or create academic program budgets have a separate, yet connected, review and approval process. Associated Budget Assist requests are completed by the Office of Planning and Budget once a new academic program budget request is completed by the sponsoring school or college. An  academic program budget request form should be completed and emailed to to support the creation or modification of the program's budget.

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