Crime Prevention
Annual Security Report
Public Safety publishes this Annual Security Report by October 1. This Report contains statistics from the three most recent calendar years for crimes reported on campus, in residence halls, in non-campus buildings or property, and on USF additional campuses and additional locations, as well as on public property and thoroughfares adjacent to the Hilltop Campus. It also includes statistics for referrals for university disciplinary action for alcohol abuse law violations, drug abuse law violations and weapons law violations. These statistics are obtained from the following sources: Public Safety records; local law enforcement agencies within whose jurisdiction the reporting area lies; Office of Student Housing; Office of Community Living; Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities; Student Life staff; and Campus Security Authorities who have a significant responsibility for student and campus activities.
Community Right to Know
In an effort to prevent crime and increase safety on campus, information regarding major incidents may be forwarded to certain university offices, including the Office of Marketing Communications and the Foghorn (the campus student newspaper). Electronic correspondence is used to inform the community of such incidents as well (myUSF Messages and emails are posted to the Public Safety website at Additionally, the Public Safety Daily Crime and Fire Log is maintained at the Public Safety administrative office, located in University Center, 5th Floor and the Public Safety website at The Daily Crime and Fire Log contains information about crimes and suspicious occurrences reported to Public Safety over one calendar year. The Daily Crime and Fire Log states the location, date, time, description, and disposition of the incident, and it is updated every two business days.
Safety Tips
We encourage your participation in preventing crime on the USF campus. The following precautions provide guidance.
- Report all suspicious activity to Public Safety immediately.
- Program the main Public Safety emergency phone number into your cell phone: (415) 422-2911.
- Try to avoid walking alone at night, travel with friends, or use the Public Safety Night Safety Program when appropriate.
- Be aware of your surroundings. Watch the cars and people around you.
- Carry your keys and One Card at all times and do not lend them to anyone.
- Keep your residence hall room door closed, and keep windows closed and locked when you are not at home.
- Do not prop doors open to residence halls or other protected locations.
- Lock up bicycles and motorcycles. Lock car doors and close windows when leaving your car.
- Never leave valuables unattended or in your car.
- Engrave serial numbers or owner’s recognized numbers, such as a driver’s license number, on items of value.
- Inventory your personal property and insure it appropriately with personal insurance coverage.
Crime Prevention Workshops
The University of San Francisco offers many programs designed to inform students and employees about campus security procedures and practices. A common theme of all awareness and crime prevention programs is to encourage students and employees to be responsible for their own security and for the security of others on campus. Crime Prevention Programs on personal safety and security are sponsored throughout the year by various university departments, including Public Safety, Koret Health and Recreation Center, Human Resources, Student Housing, Community Living, Counseling and Psychology Services, Health Promotion Services, Gender and Sexuality Center, and the Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities. Topics include personal safety and crime prevention, sexual assault awareness, alcohol and drug awareness, self-defense, and fire safety and prevention.
Crime Prevention and personal safety workshops are offered at least three times a semester (during fall and spring), and presentations frequently involve experts from public and private organizations. Additionally, new employee orientation includes the distribution of crime prevention and fire safety materials to all new employees.
For more information about crime prevention presentations or to schedule a program, please contact the following offices:
Counseling and Psychological Services
(415) 422-6352
Gender and Sexuality Center
(415) 422-4431
Health Promotion Services
(415) 422-5797
Human Resources
(415) 422-6707
Koret Health and Recreation Center
(415) 422-6821
Public Safety
(415) 422-4222
Student Housing
(415) 422-6824
Community Living
(415) 422-6824
Not Anymore
The University of San Francisco is shifting campus culture to one of mutual accountability and respect by empowering students to make decisions that contribute to a successful college experience. Not Anymore by Safe Colleges provides the curricular foundation to educate students about drugs, alcohol, and sexual violence. The goal is to enable stimulating, honest conversations around campus that lead to action, changes in behavior, and a safer atmosphere for all.
We understand that we cannot eliminate alcohol from campus. We can, however, provide students with the tools to engage with alcohol in a safer, more intentional manner. Not Anymore encourages students at USF and around the country to live with purpose and mindfulness, so they succeed in the classroom and in their day-to-day lives.
In order to maintain a socially responsible learning community, USF requires all new and incoming students to take Not Anymore, a video-based online course that prepares students as well as non-traditional students for the unique challenges of college life.
Transportation and Safety Escort Services
Night Safety Program
The Night Safety Program is a Public Safety shuttle, co-sponsored by ASUSF Senate, which provides USF community members with the option of a ride to and from locations within a six-block radius of the Hilltop Campus. During the academic school year, the service operates during the following hours:
Sunday – Wednesday, 6 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Thursday – Saturday, 6 p.m. to 3 a.m.
Rides can be requested by calling Public Safety Dispatch at (415) 422-4201. To find out the borders that the Shuttle will drive and for any additional information, please visit
If at any time, students or employees feel unsafe walking to or from campus, Public Safety Officers are also available to escort them by foot, by bicycle, or by motorcycle.
Bicycle Safety
Each year hundreds of bicycles are stolen on campus and in the city of San Francisco. Most thefts can be prevented by properly securing the bicycle with an adequate lock to an approved, fixed object.
- Always lock your bike, even if you’re leaving it for “just a minute.”
- Whenever possible, always lock your bike to a fixed, but legal, device such as a bike rack or pod.
- Lock your bike in a highly visible, well-lit location.
- U-shaped high security locks are among the most theft-resistant locks available.
- Quick-release wheels and seats can be secured with a cable and/or chain. Consider installing locking hubs on your wheels or other security devices available at bike shops.