Supplemental Instruction

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"Supplemental Instruction (SI), created at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, is a non-remedial approach to learning that supports students toward academic success by integrating “what to learn” with “how to learn.” SI consists of regularly scheduled, voluntary, out-of-class group study sessions driven by students’ needs. Sessions are facilitated by trained peer leaders who utilize collaborative activities to ensure peer-to-peer interaction in small groups. SI is implemented in high-risk courses in consultation with academic staff and is supported and evaluated by a trained supervisor."

The International Center for Supplemental Instruction at the University of Missouri-Kansas City

To learn more about the international model, please visit the International Center for Supplemental Instruction website.

"The SI program is beneficial to everyone. Students who attend SI sessions report higher course grades and learned study skills. SI Leaders report professional development in Leadership and facilitation; they also report better, more developed relationships with faculty and a deeper understanding of the content for which they serve. Faculty benefit from having SI support in their classes. Through interactions with the Leader, they have their finger on the pulse of the students in their class, they receive higher student evaluations, and they are more connected with the needs of their students. Finally, university administrators benefit because the data show that course sections with SI support have, on average, a 13% reduction in grades of D, F, and Withdrawals. This helps to raise the retention rate of students in the course. Also, SI is a less expensive program to run than traditional tutoring."

The International Center for Supplemental Instruction at the University of Missouri-Kansas City

The SI Leader will make an announcement about sessions during the first week of class. Students will be asked to fill out a short survey regarding their class schedule and availability. Students are encouraged to bring their official class schedule with them on the first day.

SI currently supports the following courses on campus (support is offered for these courses in the Fall and Spring terms):

  • BIOL 105 (General Biology I)
  • BIOL 106 (General Biology II)
  • BIOL 113 (Human Anatomy)
  • BIOL 115 (Survey of Human Physiology)
  • BIOL 134 (Microbiology)
  • NURS 220 (Applied Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I)
  • NURS 272 (Applied Assessment & Nursing Fundamentals II: Alterations in Health & Illness)

"SI Leaders are “near peers”. SI Leaders are students themselves who have taken the class before and earned a high grade in the course. Faculty typically recommends the Leaders who facilitate the SI sessions. SI Leaders undergo a vigorous training process. SI Leaders are prepared to share with students how to effectively study for the course. SI Leaders attend the same class sessions with the students, taking notes and listening closely to the professor. The SI Leader is supervised by the program coordinator."

The International Center for Supplemental Instruction at the University of Missouri-Kansas City

"At each SI session, the Leader will guide the students through the most difficult course concepts. SI Leaders will help students make good use of their time and share the strategies he or she used to be successful in the course. SI Leaders will not re-lecture, give out copies of his or her notes, help students with assigned homework, or encourage last minute test cramming. The overall goal of SI sessions it to incorporate a deeper understanding of course content with study skills that can be used with other coursework."

The International Center for Supplemental Instruction at the University of Missouri-Kansas City

"The SI program is beneficial to everyone. Students who attend SI sessions report higher course grades and learned study skills. SI Leaders report professional development in Leadership and facilitation; they also report better, more developed relationships with faculty and a deeper understanding of the content for which they serve. Faculty benefit from having SI support in their classes. Through interactions with the Leader, they have their finger on the pulse of the students in their class, they receive higher student evaluations, and they are more connected with the needs of their students. Finally, university administrators benefit because the data show that course sections with SI support have, on average, a 13% reduction in grades of D, F, and Withdrawals. This helps to raise the retention rate of students in the course. Also, SI is a less expensive program to run than traditional tutoring."

The International Center for Supplemental Instruction at the University of Missouri-Kansas City

"SI Sessions start the [third] week of class. SI Leaders will [typically] pass out a short survey and ask students to mark their available times on the first day class...After reviewing the surveys, the SI Leader will announce times and locations for sessions during the next class period. Each SI Leader typically sets up three or more...sessions per week."

The International Center for Supplemental Instruction at the University of Missouri-Kansas City

SI Sessions are regularly scheduled and occur on the same days, at the same times, and in the same locations each week. Students typically receive information about SI Sessions for their courses/sections from their SI Leaders during class. Students can also visit the SI Course & Session Info - Fall 2024 link.

If you feel your students could benefit from working with an SI Leader, please email Khulan Zagd, Learning Center Assistant Director, at to see if your course qualifies for the program.

If you want to learn more about the Supplemental Instruction model, visit the International Center for Supplemental Instruction website.

An SI Leader’s role is limited to providing academic support to students outside of the classroom. To prepare for their study sessions, SI Leaders attend class to follow the curriculum and take notes, to meet with assigned faculty members, and to ask questions about course content when they have them. This allows for SI Leaders to develop "SI Session Plans" to include topics and activities that will best engage session participants. SI Leaders should never lecture/re-lecture material, create homework assignments, distribute/proctor exams, or grade assignments/exams.

The Learning, Writing, and Speaking Centers

Gleeson Library | Geschke Center | Lower Level G03
2495 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco, CA 94117

Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED