Syllabus Example - BTEC 698 Syllabus

Class Information

BTEC 698 – Directed Research in Biotechnology
# Units: 1
Fall 2018

Course Description

The student will participate in a Biology internship at the Biotechnology company Distributed Bio for a minimum of 100 hours over the course of the semester. The student will discuss her progress with me at least once per month. I will also contact the student’s on-site manager during the semester by phone or e-mail to verify the student’s progress. At the end of the semester, student will submit a written report at least 5 pages in length summarizing her research progress (grading rubric below).

Submission deadline for paper: 9:00 am on December 21, 2018

Grading Policy

Grades will be calculated as follows:

Credit Hour requirements

Student will meet with instructor for weekly 1-hour meetings (Monday evenings) to discuss internship progress. Student will work at least 2 hours out of class each week at the Biotechnology company Distributed Bio, performing business development roles as a part of this Directed Research course.

Directed Research in Biotechnology Course Learning outcomes (CLOs)

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • CLO1: Gain practical experience working in the biotechnology industry
    Assessment: progress update checks with student and manager
  • CLO2: Exhibit proficiency in advanced biotechnology research
    Assessment: final written report, oral presentation
  • CLO3: Demonstrate ability to communicate scientific findings in a written report
    Assessment: final written report

Selected Biotechnology PSM Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

  • Review and evaluate concepts from multiple disciplines (biology, bioinformatics, business) within biotechnology: CLO1, 2
  • PLO2: Interpret and execute best practices in biotech-related lab techniques as well as exhibit an ability to assess the novelty of research and prioritize protocols: CLO1, 2
  • PLO5: Critical review of scientific papers and demonstration of communication skills appropriate for professional level employment in science and technology based research/industry: CLO3

Textbook and Supplies

None necessary.

Students with Disabilities

If you are a student with a disability or disabling condition, or if you think you may have a disability, please contact USF Student Disability Services (SDS) at (415) 422-2613 within the first week of class, or immediately upon onset of disability, to speak with a disability specialist. If you are determined eligible for reasonable accommodations, please meet with your disability specialist so they can arrange to have your accommodation letter sent to me, and we will discuss your needs for this course. For more information, visit the SDS website

Behavioral Expectations

All students are expected to behave in accordance with the Student Conduct Code. Students whose behavior is disruptive or who fail to comply with the instructor may be dismissed from the class for the remainder of the class period and may need to meet with the instructor or Dean prior to returning to the next class period. If necessary, referrals may also be made to the Student Conduct process for violations of the Student Conduct Code.

Academic Integrity

As a Jesuit institution committed to cura personalis -- the care and education of the whole person -- USF has an obligation to embody and foster the values of honesty and integrity. USF upholds the standards of honesty and integrity from all members of the academic community. All students are expected to know and adhere to the University's Honor Code. You can find the full text of the code online.

The policy covers:

  • Plagiarism — intentionally or unintentionally representing the words or ideas of another person as your own; failure to properly cite references; manufacturing references.
  • Working with another person when independent work is required.
  • Submission of the same paper in more than one course without the specific permission of each instructor.
  • Submitting a paper written by another person or obtained from the Internet.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

CAPS’ diverse staff offers brief individual, couple, and group counseling to student members of our community. CAPS services are confidential and free of charge. Call (415) 422-6352 for an initial consultation appointment. Telephone consultation through CAPS After Hours is available Monday - Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m., 24 hours during weekends and holidays; call the above number and press 2. Further information can be found on the CAPS website

Confidentiality, Mandatory Reporting, and Sexual Assault

As instructors, one of our responsibilities is to help create a safe learning environment on our campus. We also have a mandatory reporting responsibility related to our role as faculty. We are required to share information regarding sexual misconduct or information about a crime that may have occurred on USF’s campus with the University. Here are some useful resources related to sexual misconduct:

  • To report any sexual misconduct, students may visit the Title IX coordinator (UC 5th floor) or find other options on the USF student life page.
  • Students may speak to someone confidentially or report a sexual assault confidentially by contacting Counseling and Psychological Services at (415) 422-6352.
  • For an off-campus resource, contact San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR) (415) 647-7273.

Grading of Assignment

The following rubric will be used to assess your report:

  Rating Score
5 4 3 2  
Articles Appropriate and detailed information is gathered from multiple and wide-ranging, research-based sources and exceeds the minimum # of peer-reviewed sources. Appropriate and detailed information is gathered from multiple sources research-based and meets the minimum # of peer-reviewed sources. Information is gathered from a limited number of sources, below minimum #. Source material not totally appropriate for topic. Information is gathered from a single source. Only a few primary articles used. Source material not appropriate for topic.  
Organization Well organized, demonstrates logical sequencing and structure. Well organized, but demonstrates illogical sequencing or structure. Weakly organized with no logical sequencing or structure. No organization, sequencing, or structure.  
Foundation Detailed conclusions are reached from the evidence offered. Thesis well supported with background material. Conclusions are reached from the evidence offered. Thesis somewhat supported with material. There is some indication of conclusions from the evidence offered. Background material is vaguely presented No conclusions are made from the evidence offered.  
Thesis Thesis statement well formed, clearly stated and answered completely through the literature review. Thesis statement well formed but not clearly stated. Some questions left unanswered through the literature review. Thesis statement vague; questions left unanswered through the literature review. Thesis statement was not formed and are is not apparent from the literature review.  
References Information is cited properly and in Name-Year format. Information is cited properly. Information is cited, but has errors. Information is not cited or is cited incorrectly.  
Length Adheres to page criteria. Exceed or does not meet page criteria by ½ page or less. Exceed or does not meet page criteria by ½ to 1 page. Exceed or does not meet page criteria by more than 1 page.  
Format Font, spacing, and reference format are correct. Font and spacing, font and reference format, or spacing and reference format are correct. Font, spacing, or reference format is correct. Font, spacing, and reference format are incorrect.  
Grammar There are no grammatical errors. There are 1 or less grammatical errors. There are 2 or less grammatical errors. There are 3 or more grammatical errors.  
Total Points