Disability Accommodations

Faculty members are often the first to know that a student with a disability is in class. Students with disabilities are not required to register with any office or department on campus. However, when requesting specific classroom accommodations for a disability, these students are required to register with Student Disability Services before receiving accommodations.

If a student has registered with SDS and has requested accommodations for a semester, each instructor will be sent an email from SDS delineating the necessary accommodations.

USF Student Disability Services

Syllabus Statement

The following information must appear in your syllabus:

Students with Disabilities: The University of San Francisco is committed to providing equal access to students with disabilities. If you are a student with a disability, or if you think you may have a disability, please contact Student Disability Services (SDS) at sds@usfca.edu or 415 422-2613, to speak with a disability specialist (please note all communication with SDS is private and confidential). If you are eligible for accommodations, please request that your accommodation letter be sent to me as soon as possible (students are encouraged to contact SDS at the beginning of the semester), as accommodations are not retroactive. Once I have been notified by SDS of your accommodations we can discuss your accommodations and ensure your access to this class or clinical setting. For more information please visit the SDS website https://www.usfca.edu/student-disability-services.