On-Campus Employment Information for Faculty and Staff

Supervisors Instructions for On-Campus Employment

International students who are authorized for on-campus employment are eligible to apply for a U.S. Social Security Number (SSN). Supervisors must complete an On-Campus Employment Confirmation Letter (SSN) for our office to process this for the student. Student workers have 45 days from their Date of Hire to submit their Social Security Card to the Student Employment Office. 

Applications for the social security number must be made in person at a local Social Security Administration (SSA) office, after which the SSN card is mailed within 4-6 weeks. 

New students must wait at least ten (10) business days after completing Status Verification with ISSS to apply for an SSN. 

If you have any questions, please contact email our office at isss@usfca.edu

See an example of a completed On-Campus Employment Confirmation Letter (SSN) here

How to Complete the On-Campus Employment Confirmation Letter (SSN)

Please follow the instructions below:  

  1. Print out On-Campus Employment Confirmation Letter (SSN) in color
  2. If your department is through our bookstore under Barnes and Noble or another on-campus employer that is not USF, you will need to add your letterhead to this form before printing it in color and completing it. 
  3. Fill out the On-Campus Employment Confirmation Letter (SSN) in ink or typed on a computer. 
    • Complete information for the student worker under “Non-immigrant Information”
    • Complete information for your specific department under “Employer/Employment Information”
      • USF’s EIN number is 94-1156628
        • Please note that if you are not a USF department then you will have a different EIN
      • End date cannot be later than the student's program end date on their I-20. 
        • Reach out to student for their program end-date
  4. Student Employment limits on-campus employment work hours. Students may work part-time (up to 20 hours per week) on campus while classes are in session.
  5. Sign and Date the letter with a wet signature

Please note that F-1 students working on-campus are not eligible to apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) more than 30 days before their work authorization start date. 

On-Campus supervisors can download and complete the On-Campus Employment Confirmation Letter (SSN) below to assist students in applying for a Social Security card. Be sure to print it in color. 

For additional procedures for hiring a student employee, refer to the office of Student Employment instructions.