2027 Strategic Plan - December 2023 Update

The following is a copy of the content presented in a Strategic Plan Update PowerPoint presentation to the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees on December 7, 2023.


Anastasia Vrachnos, Vice Provost, Global Education, Immersions, and Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Plan Timeline

  • Year 1 - 2022-2023: Ideation and Creation
  • Year 2 - 2023-2024: Refinement and Initial Implementation
  • Year 3 - 2024-2025: Implementation Synthesis and Reintegration
  • Year 4 - 2025-2026: Maturation and Sustainability
  • Year 5 - 2026-2027: Reflecting, Assessing, Looking Ahead

Strategic Plan "Top Five"


  • Rebuild enrollments and improve retention
  • Diversify revenue streams
  • Evolve our education so that it's future ready
  • Strengthen our community
  • Tell our story
    • Student outcomes and ROI
    • Impact in SF and global reach
    • Faith that does justice

Integrating SP and Key Planning Initiatives

Addressing short term imperatives

  • Rebuilding enrollments via Integrated Strategic Enrollment Plan (ISEP)
  • Comprehensive graduate enrollment strategies
  • Undergraduate retention and student success
  • Design and launch high-demand new programs
  • Invest in our community (ex. Ignatian Pedagogy and Inclusive Teaching)

Planning for long-term success

  • The Health and Life Sciences Campus (renovation of Masonic East)
  • Core curriculum redesign
  • Ann Getty Institute of Art & Design
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation Initiative
  • Integrate key long-term planning initiatives with SP (Institutional Master Plan, Mission Priority Examen, Comprehensive Capital Campaign)

Current Actions

  • 50+ initiatives underway
  • Share progress with the community in regular updates and celebrate wins
  • WSCUC Interim Report
  • Report to Board of Trustees (December/June)
  • Implement and track progress via dashboard of key implementation priorities and KPIs
  • Assess in May