Administrative Requirements

New Student Orientation

All new UTEC students are required to attend a New Student Orientation (NSO). The orientation is typically held on the first Sunday afternoon following the start of classes. The NSO includes informational presentations and an extensive discussion of the program. In order to begin attending Teacher Education (TED) classes, students must attend the NSO. Students who miss the NSO must have a private briefing before being permitted to attend TED classes. Additionally, the student must attend the next orientation that is offered. Participants cannot attend TED classes until an Orientation is accomplished. 

Future Teacher Seminars

The UTEC provides informational meetings throughout the semester. These meetings are known as “Future Teacher Seminars.” Some of the seminars are mandatory for particular groups of UTEC students, while for others attendance is optional. Each seminar is scheduled for 45 minutes, typically during the “dead” or activity hour on Tuesdays or Thursdays (from 11:50 am to 12:35 pm). In general, seminars will cover relevant topics or present interesting opportunities that are not covered elsewhere in the program. Information regarding exact dates, seminar content, and required attendees is sent via e-mail. In the unusual circumstance of a scheduling conflict, students should contact the UTEC Program Manager, Amy F. Joseph ( immediately following notification of a meeting. 


“All Hands” UTEC meetings are rarely called, and are only scheduled if there are major, unanticipated changes in the UTEC program, or to relay important information that may impact participants. Attendance at such meetings is mandatory. For meetings that are not scheduled well in advance, multiple meeting times will be offered to facilitate attendance. 

Communication and Information from the UTEC

The main forms of communication and dissemination of information between the UTEC staff and participants is USF Donsmail and the UTEC Canvas site. When a UTEC staff member emails a student, the assumption is that the email is read; therefore, the student is held accountable for the information presented. It is recommended that UTEC students check their USF Donsmail daily and the Canvas site regularly. Students can make appointments using staff’s appointment calendars, which are listed in the biweekly UTEC newsletter.


UTEC advising is a crucial part of UTEC's teaching programs and is required a minimum of once every semester. The procedure is as follows:

  • Several weeks before registration begins, students will receive an email from the UTEC office to sign-up for an advising appointment. 
  • Prior to advising, based upon templates (aka academic plans, which will be provided in advance) students should develop a plan for the upcoming semester. Modifications may be made based on the results of the advising session and the University schedule of classes. 
  • Discussion of special circumstances or issues takes place during advising. Advisors use this time to inform students of other requirements, such as: registration holds, mandatory meetings, academic performance, fieldwork, schedules for CSET exams, BSR or SMR fulfillment, participation in special programs, study abroad and/or immersion opportunities, etc.
  • Lastly, all students, whether required by their major department or not, should meet with their Major Advisor. This meeting is very helpful as major requirements change frequently. EDLS majors are advised by UTEC staff, so do not have to schedule an extra advising session.

All UTEC students have UTEC advising holds placed on their registration before advising begins. This hold is lifted before priority registration opens. There may be requirements, in addition to attending an advising session, which need to be fulfilled before the UTEC hold can be lifted. All conditions are explained during advising. Not having the advising hold lifted before the first day of registration interferes with priority registration, which can have a negative impact on a student’s schedule. Note that some majors also place advising holds on their students; UTEC staff cannot lift those holds.

Upon the conclusion of advising, students are given a course plan for the upcoming semester. During registration, this course plan is to be used for reference, as it has the CRNs for the specific sections for which UTEC students must register. Registration for Teacher Education classes is very specific, as many sections are specifically set up for a precise number of UTEC students. Switching from one section to another is not always possible.

Changes to a student’s proposed schedule always need to be discussed with your UTEC advisor prior to being implemented.  Changing, adding or dropping particular classes may have unforeseen negative implications in future semesters.