Student Conduct Code - Section 8. Outcomes
As part of the University conduct process, Outcomes will be implemented anytime a student is found responsible for violating University policy. Outcomes are intended to reinforce the educational and developmental nature of the conduct process and employ a learning opportunity in line with the nature of the violation.
Outcomes could include students being mandated to an assessment through Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and/or a licensed outside agency. As part of that mandate, the Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities reserves the right to confirm with CAPS or other agency that the student contacted, signed up for, and completed their sessions. This confirmation applies only to the student's attendance and completion and not to the content disclosed during the sessions.
If a student fails to complete their Outcome(s), a disciplinary hold will be placed on their student account, and they may face additional conduct action. Among other things, a disciplinary hold prevents a student from registering for classes, adding/dropping classes or receiving transcripts.
The following outcomes may be imposed upon any student found to have violated the Student Conduct Code. This list is not exhaustive. All outcomes are cumulative, and a student’s conduct history will be taken into consideration when issuing an outcome. Outcomes also may be enhanced based on the severity of the behavior and impact on the University community. More than one outcome may be imposed for any single violation.
- Warning: A written reprimand for violations of specified University policies or campus regulations, including notice to the student that continued or repeated violations of specified University policies or campus regulations may be cause for further conduct action.
- Discretionary Outcomes: The following are examples of Discretionary Outcomes:
- Essays, reflections or research papers.
- Service to the University or local community.
- Behavioral assessment or counseling sessions related to inappropriate conduct or violations of the Student Conduct Code.
- Deferred Outcomes may be imposed as deemed appropriate by the Director of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities or designee. Such Outcomes could include deferred residence hall expulsion, deferred University suspension or deferred University expulsion. Specific conditions accompany a deferred outcome and any violation or failure to complete the conditions would result in the immediate University Suspension or Expulsion.
- In cases involving drug or alcohol abuse, the student may be referred to an appropriate on or off-campus resource for assessment and may be required to random drug testing (at the individual's own expense) as a condition for continued enrollment at the University.
- Other related discretionary assignments.
- Disciplinary Probation: Imposed for a period of time to allow students to reflect upon their choices and behavior and to demonstrate the ability to abide by community standards and expectations. It also serves as formal notification that the activity in question is unacceptable and that if continued or other inappropriate behavior follows, more severe action may be taken. Additional violations of the Student Conduct Code while on Disciplinary Probation will result in higher level outcomes being assigned. Disciplinary Probation may impact a student's eligibility to participate in University-sponsored programs or services, or to serve in leadership positions.
- Fines: Monetary fines may be imposed on students or student organizations for violations of the Student Conduct Code.
- Loss of Privileges: Denial of participation in designated privileges and extracurricular activities for a specified period of time. Violation of any conditions in the loss of privileges and exclusion from activities outcome or violations of other policies or campus regulations during the outcome period may be cause for further conduct action, ordinarily in the form of suspension or expulsion.
- Notifications: Notification of violations will be made to appropriate officials if the respondent is involved in co-curricular activities (ROTC, student leadership) or intercollegiate athletics. A violation may result in the loss of the privilege of participating in co-curricular activities if the supervising official deems it appropriate. Parental notifications are sent for violations of the University's Alcohol and Drug Policy as noted in the outcomes for Alcohol and Drug violations chart.
- Restitution: Compensation for damage to or misappropriation of University property may be imposed either exclusively or in combination with other conduct action. Reimbursement may also be imposed for damage to the property of or injury to another person as a result of a violation of the Student Conduct Code. Such reimbursement may take the form of monetary payment or appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damages. Restitution may be imposed on any student acting alone, or through group or concerted activities, or on any campus organization that participates in causing the damages or expenses.
- Exclusion: Exclusion of a student from specified areas of the campus or campus activities. Violation of the conditions of exclusion or of University policies or campus regulations during the period of exclusion may be cause for further conduct action, which ordinarily is in the form of University suspension.
- University Housing Relocation: Relocation of a student in University-operated housing may occur when the student has demonstrated that he or she is unable to be successful in his or her current location by virtue of repeated violations of the Student Conduct Code and/or Residence Life policies.
- University Housing Probation: Imposed for a period of time to allow residential students to reflect upon their choices and behavior and to demonstrate the ability to abide by student housing community standards and expectations. It also serves as formal notification that the student is not in good standing with regard to their on-campus housing. Housing probation is typically assigned in situations where behavior has been detrimental to the on-campus residential community. Additional residentially-based violations of the Student Conduct Code while on Housing Probation will result in an evaluation to determine if continued on-campus living is in the best interests of the student and the on-campus residential community. Housing Probation may impact a student's eligibility to participate in the housing lottery process, University-sponsored programs or services, or to serve in leadership positions.
- University Housing Pre-Removal: When a student has demonstrated a pattern of behavior that is contrary to the behavioral expectations of community living, he or she will be given formal notice that any further violation for which they are found responsible will result in immediate residence hall expulsion.
- University Housing Suspension: Separation of the student from the residence halls for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
- University Housing Expulsion: The student is removed and permanently banned from the residence halls
- University Probation: Imposed for a minimum of one (1) academic year in serious cases (including but not limited to illegal drug use or distribution; making threats of, or actually performing physical or sexual violence; acting in a manner that endangers others) for students who repeatedly violate the Student Conduct Code, and for students returning to the University after suspension. University Probation serves as formal notification that the student is not in good standing with the University and that similar or more severe violations of the Student Conduct Code while on this status will result in suspension or expulsion from the University. University Probation will impact a student's eligibility to participate in University-sponsored programs or services, or to serve in leadership positions.
- University Suspension: Separation of the student from the University for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
- University Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the University.
- Ineligibility for Graduation: A graduating student involved with alleged Code violations prior to graduation may not graduate, participate in graduation ceremonies, or receive a diploma until the matter has been processed and outcome(s) completed.
- Revocation of Admission and/or Degree: Admission to the University or a degree awarded from the University may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation, or other violation of University standards in obtaining the degree, or for other serious violations committed by a student prior to matriculation or graduation.
- Withholding Degree: The University may withhold the diploma of students who have been alleged with a violation of University policy even though they have completed all academic requirements. In circumstances where expulsion is a possibility for conduct violations, the diploma may be withheld until the conduct allegations have been resolved and/or outcomes completed.
Other than University suspension, expulsion, or revocation or withholding of a degree, conduct outcomes will not be made part of the student’s permanent academic record, but will become part of the student’s conduct record.
Outcomes for Violations of the Alcohol and Drug Policy
The outcomes listed in this section are the minimum standard outcomes issued for alcohol and drug violations. A resolution officer can choose to alter and/or administer additional outcomes if it is determined there is reason to do so based upon the severity of the violation, or if the student has a previous conduct record or other mitigating circumstances warrant such action. If deemed necessary, the University may mandate alcohol and other drug assessment or treatment though the University’s conduct process.
Violations of the Alcohol, Marijuana and Drug Policy are cumulative throughout the student’s tenure at the University, and the University may refer cases to federal, state and/or local authorities. In determining appropriate outcomes for students found responsible for Alcohol, Marijuana and Drug Policy violations, the resolution officer shall consider the particular substance involved and the severity of the violation. Matters involving the use, possession, manufacture, and/or sale of hard drugs, including but not limited to cocaine, designer drugs, hallucinogens, opiates and sedatives, may likely result in suspension or expulsion from University-operated housing or the University, or both.
Type of Conduct | 1st Violation | 2nd Violation | 3rd Violation |
Complicity | Warning, Policy Review, Complicity Reflection | Disciplinary Probation, Decision Making Workshop, $50 CSF | Parental Notification, University Housing Probation, University Housing Pre-Removal, Educational Activity, $100 CSF |
Possession/Use/Possession of Paraphernalia (e.g. empty alcohol containers, beer bongs, shot glasses) | Warning, Decision Making Workshop, $25 CSF | Parental Notification, Disciplinary/Housing Probation, University Housing Pre-Removal, eCHECKUP, BMI, $50 CSF | University Probation, University Housing Expulsion, CAPS Alcohol Assessment, $100 CSF |
Possession/Use/Hosting/Distributing/Supplying to Minors, Public Intoxication/Use of False ID | Warning, eCHECKUP, BMI, Decision Making Workshop, Disciplinary Probation, $50 CSF | Parental Notification, University Housing Probation, University Housing Pre-Removal, CAPS Alcohol Assessment, $100 CSF | University Probation, Deferred Suspension, University Housing Expulsion, Outside Assessment, $200 CSF |
Hospital Transport | Parental Notification, Disciplinary Probation, eCHECKUP, CAPS Alcohol Assessment, Decision Making Workshop | University/Housing Probation, Deferred Suspension, Alcohol Action Plan, Outside Assessment/Treatment Program, Discretionary CSF | University Housing Expulsion, Suspension, Outside Assessment/Treatment, Discretionary CSF |
Type of Conduct | 1st Violation | 2nd Violation | 3rd Violation |
Complicity | Warning, Policy Review, Complicity Reflection | Disciplinary Probation, Decision Making Workshop, $50 CSF | University Housing Probation, University Housing Pre-Removal, CAPS Drug Assessment, $100 CSF |
Possession of Paraphernalia (including empty containers with residue) | Warning, Parental Notification, Disciplinary Probation, eCHECKUP, Workshop, $50 CSF | University Housing Probation, University Housing Pre-Removal, CAPS Drug Assessment, $100 CSF | University Probation, Deferred Suspension, University Housing Expulsion, Outside Drug Assessment, $200 CSF |
Possession/Use | Warning, eCHECKUP, Workshop, CAPS Drug Assessment, $100 CSF, Disciplinary Probation, University Housing Pre-Removal, Parental Notification, $250 Smoking Fine (if applicable) | University/Housing Probation, Deferred Suspension, University Housing Expulsion, Outside Drug Assessment, $200 CSF | University Probation, Suspension, Outside Assessment/Treatment Program, Community Service, Discretionary CSF |
Hospital Transport | Parental Notification, Disciplinary Probation, eCHECKUP, University Housing Pre-Removal, CAPS Drug Assessment, Decision Making Workshop | University/Housing Probation, Deferred Suspension, University Housing Expulsion, Drug Action Plan, Outside Assessment/Treatment Program, Community Service | University Probation, Suspension, Outside Assessment/Treatment /Discretionary CSF |
Sales/Distribution/Supplying | Suspension or Expulsion | Expulsion |
CSF: Community Standards Fine
BMI: Brief Motivational Interview