Stop Smoking Services
We offer free stop smoking individual sessions and free nicotine replacement aid: nicotine gum or lozenges. Attending regular stop smoking sessions is a prerequisite for receiving the free nicotine aid. We also will offer a free subscription to the Pro version Kwit app.
You can schedule your appointment online with a Health Promotion Services staff. Please contact HPS at 415.422.5797 or for more information.
HPS Stop Smoking Services
Tobacco-Free Resources
American Cancer Society - provides help and assistance in matters regarding cancer survivors, supporters, and health information.
CDC's Tobacco Information and Prevention Sources (TIPS) - provides useful resources on preventing smoking, educational materials, as well as information on how to quit smoking.
SmokeFree.Gov - provides links and resources on how to quit smoking. Has an online guide and provides the ability to talk to an expert who can help you to quit smoking.
American Lung Association of California - provides information on lung disease as well as resources on volunteering and taking action in your community. Resources also cover local news on asthma, air quality, and diesel pollution.
Prescription Medication to Stop Smoking:
There are prescription medications which may assist you in quitting smoking. Please consult with your health care provider to get a prescription, and discuss any possible side effects of the medications.
If you decide to get a prescription medication but you cannot afford it, please contact Natalie Macias,, about pharmaceutical patient assistance programs.
Contact Us
Health Promotion Services
2130 Fulton Street University Center, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94117
Mon-Fri: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
UC 5th Front Desk Hours are Mon-Fri: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.