GoUSF Wellness

It's time to register for the 13th annual Go Move Challenge In this challenge, faculty and staff from all the AJCU Institutions compete by tracking their physically activity minutes to see which is the most active. Throughout the month, players will track their physical activity, defined as light, moderate or vigorous activity where your heart rate and/or breathing increases. Creighton won last year, breaking Santa Clara's 5 year streak. Let's give them a run for their money. Register to play and start tracking your active minutes today!

Register for the Challenge

Check out the Resources and Tips to Get Your Moving

Upcoming Events

  • Stay Connected through social media:
  • Are you passionate about wellness? Help publicize upcoming GoUSF events and increase campus-wide participation by becoming a GoUSF wellness champion today!
  • To receive the latest and greatest in wellness, please subscribe to the weekly email here.

Human Resources

2820 Turk Blvd., San Francisco
Lone Mountain Main, Room 339
San Francisco, CA 94118

By Appointment Only