2023 Go Move Challenge: Final Recap

person smiling
Darcy Kennedy, Regis University, still walking, no matter what the temp!


Published Friday, March 3, 2023

The results of the 11th annual Go Move Challenge are in! Congratulations to everyone who completed the challenge. We welcomed 3 new universities to the challenge (Seattle U, Gonzaga, and St. Louis U) which helped contribute to our overall minutes.  We accumulated over 250,000 more minutes this year than in 2022! Congratulations especially to the institutions who win bragging rights for the following:

  • Most Minutes: Santa Clara University for earning the most minutes, 589,072 minutes of physical activity and the overall winner for the 5th year in a row.
  • Average of Most Minutes: Saint Peter's University for earning the highest average number of minutes, 1545, per participant. A huge congrats for this first time winner in this category!
  • Regional Average Minutes Per Person
    • East Coast - St. Peter's University
    • Mid-West - University of Detroit Mercy
    • West Coast - Santa Clara University
    • South - n/a

February = Moving

For many AJCU institutions, the month of February has become synonymous with movement, and this year was no exception. Faculty and staff from 23 Jesuit institutions committed to tracking every minute of their intentional, physical activity for the past 28 days, and the collective numbers are impressive:

Participating AJCU institutions: 23
Total Participants: 3695
Total Minutes of Movement:   3,537,032
Avg. Monthly Minutes Per Person:   957
Avg. Daily Minutes Per Person:  34

To see what numbers your institution accumulated, visit the Go Move Challenge website. Thank you to everyone for participating and finishing strong!

Spotlight on Saint Joseph's University

In the last 2 years, SJU has really stepped up their participation and movement minutes in the Go Move Challenge. Since they started competing in the challenge in 2017, they've usually been around 12-15th place. This year and last, they moved up to 5th and 7th place for total minutes and 4th place for most average number of minutes. When a university becomes so engaged in such a short amount of time, inquiring minds want to know how this happens and what makes them tick. Below Lauren LaPointe, HR Specialist at SJU shares some of their employees stories.

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"I love to walk around SJU's Hawk Hill campus during my lunch break - a quick 30-minute power walk through campus, a few laps around the track, and a latte at Saxbys. Done. Back to work."