Writing Events at the Center

The Writing Center at USF is a place where writing is practiced, celebrated, and studied. Writing is essential—and often difficult—for both students and faculty. At the Writing Center, we believe that all writers can grow, and that all writers benefit from community support and from research-based knowledge.

The Writing Center and the Dean's Office of the College of Arts and Science are pleased to announce our Spring 2024 support for faculty writing and research. Please see below for information about our Faculty Salons, the Writing Room in Kalmanovitz Hall, on-campus Saturday Writing Retreats, and an off-campus Writing Retreat at Star Route Farms in Bolinas. Whether you are new to the USF faculty or a long-time member of the community, whether you want to make progress on a specific project or explore broader support for writing productivity, we look forward to writing with you this semester.

Join us for lunch and an Open House on Monday, January 29, to learn more about these events and programs (more information and RSVP links below). Events are open to College of Arts and Sciences faculty.

Spring 2024 Writing Center + CAS Faculty Writing Program

Writing Program Lunch Open House

Monday, January 29, 12-1 pm
3rd Floor Kalmanovitz Hall, outside the Writing Room (KA 329)

Please attend to hear about our exciting and supportive writing program, make connections with fellow writers, and get started to join our program. We will have a make-it-yourself salad buffet, courtesy of the CAS Dean’s Office. RSVP.

Spring Weekly Writing Teams

Get reinspired and revive your research ambitions by joining our Spring 2024 CAS Weekly Writing Teams. The basic idea is simple, but the effects are long-lasting and profound. By signing up and writing in teams, you commit yourself to reserve designated time for your research, and you find collegial support by bonding with fellow writers from different disciplines facing similar challenges as you.

The procedure: You choose your own days and hours to write. The team consists of people who sign up for the same time blocks.

The benefits: You actually get work done, you meet interesting people across campus, and you work in a designated faculty writing room in Kalmanovitz Hall stocked with ample supplies.

To get started:

  • Commit to a day (or days) and time(s) using the form below.
  • Choose a two-hour block minimum.  Writing periods start on the hour.
  • Receive weekly reminders of your scheduled times.
  • Show up consistently at your appointed time for yourself and your peers.
  • Research and write around the communal writing table (K Hall 329)
  • Please complete this form to sign up: (sign-ups closed for Spring 2024) 

Writing team sessions will begin on Tuesday, January 30, 2024.  A confirmation email will be sent prior to our starting date with guidelines and practical information.

Faculty Salons

Salon #1: Brandon Brown and Brian Komei Dempster
Thursday, February 8, 11:45 am-12:45 pm in UC 503

Join Brandon Brown (Physics and Astronomy) and Brian Komei Dempster (Rhetoric and Language; Asia Pacific Studies) as they discuss recent work and describe their writing processes. What are the nuts and bolts, the sorrows and joys of writing? What tools, spaces, or habits make us productive? How do we manage distraction or frustration when productivity eludes us? Who are our writing partners or allies?

Salon #2: Lilian Dube and Nick Hadikwa Mwaluko
Wednesday, April 17, 12 pm - 1 pm in UC 503

Please RSVP

Join Lilian Dube (Theology and Religious Studies) and Nick Hadikwa Mwaluko (Performing Arts and Social Justice; Writing Center) as they discuss recent work and describe their writing processes. What are the nuts and bolts, the sorrows and joys of writing? What tools, spaces, or habits make us productive? Who are our writing partners or allies? How does a creative process compare with the process for scholarly work? How do we write globally? What are the imperatives and obstacles in writing about violence or trauma? 

Saturday On-Campus Writing Retreats

Retreat #1: Saturday, Feb. 17th, 9-5 pm (RSVP closed)
Retreat #2: Saturday April 6th, 9-5 pm (RSVP closed)
Kalmanovitz Hall 363, 365, and 367

Each on-campus writing retreat is an active day of research and writing.  Get work done in a supportive atmosphere, meet new colleagues, and get addicted to writing with colleagues! Breakfast and lunch will be provided. There is a limit of 12 people for each retreat.

One-Day Faculty Writing Retreat at the Farm

Saturday, May 11, 9-4 pm
Druid’s Hall, Star Route Farms, Bolinas

RSVP by Monday April 15

Schedule a day to wrestle yourself free from all other obligations, and join us for a day of writing while being inspired by the beautiful environment of historic Star Route Farms, the oldest continuously certified organic row crop farm in California.

We'll gather in the stately Druid's Hall, built in 1877. Immerse yourself deeply in your writing and scholarly research, get work done in a supportive atmosphere, meet new colleagues, check out the farm, and get addicted to writing in teams! We will use the proven method of working in time blocks of 45 minutes.

Coffee/tea and snacks will be provided, along with a bowl of vegetarian soup. However, due to logistical difficulties, please bring your own lunch!

There is a limit of 15 people for this retreat.  


The Learning, Writing, and Speaking Centers

Gleeson Library | Geschke Center | Lower Level G03
2495 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco, CA 94117

Monday - Friday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED