Financial Aid Processing Timelines

The Office of Financial Aid is working hard to review your documents and respond to your inquiries. The processing timeline below shows our normal processing and response time. Processing time is subject to change throughout the year due to peak times. Processing time begins when our office receives your completed file. Incomplete or missing documentations will extend processing time. Please read the instructions on the form carefully to prevent delays. 

Processing timeline
Appeals (Special Circumstance and Cost of Attendance) 3-4 weeks
Cal Grant Award Posting 2-3 weeks
California Golden State Teacher Grant (GSTG) Application Review 2-3 weeks
Financial Aid and Loan Adjustment Request 3-5 business days
Graduate and Parent PLUS Loans 1-3 business days
Outside Scholarship Posting 1-3 business days
Private Loans 3-5 business days
Return of Financial Aid (Title IV) 1-2 weeks from date of determination
SAP Appeal 1-2 weeks
TEACH Grant 1-2 weeks
Unusual Circumstance Appeal 2-3 weeks, but no longer than 60 days
Verification 2-3 weeks
Response Timeline
Email 1-3 business days
Voicemail Return 1-3 business days