Transfer Student Checklist
First-Year, First semester
- Visit the Career Services Center, located in UC 5th floor, and find out what services are available.
- Activate your Handshake account & update your profile with past experiences.
- Check out Career Services events.
First-Year, Second semester
- Read about and research different careers of interest to you.
- Explore current occupational information in our online resources.
- Go on an informational interview or job shadow someone in careers of interest.
- Identify internships in Handshake and other Internship partner websites.
- Take a leadership role in a student club or organization to build new skills and gain valuable experience.
- Research study abroad options to see if this fits within your academic track.
- Attend our career fairs and search for summer internship opportunities
- Meet with a career counselor and plan a strategy to maximize your senior year.
- Apply to participate in a trek, where you will visit a Bay Area employer and learn about a specific industry.
Second-year, first semester
- Meet with a Career Counselor to review job search strategies
- Create a LinkedIn Profile, the online professional networking community.
- Connect with alumni using the LinkedIn Alumni Tool and NetworkUSF
- Gather relevant job application materials (Resume, Cover Letter, References, Examples of Work).
- Attend our career fairs to network and discuss opportunities with Bay Area Employers.
Second-year, second semester
- Use Handshake to identify job opportunities.
- Learn market trends and salary expectations for your industry and career of interest.
- Attend our career fairs to discuss full-time positions with employers.
- Decide on a plan after graduation, and come up with one or two backup plans just in case.
- Apply to participate in a trek, where you will visit a Bay Area employer and learn about a specific industry.
- Identify top skills/interests from past work experience to prepare for interviews.
- Schedule a mock interview appointment via Handshake, to practice your skills.
- Meet with a Career Counselor to discuss salary and benefit negotiation strategies, and learn how to manage offers.