Career Research

GoinGlobal(link is external)
Going Global career and employment resources include more than 10,000 pages of constantly- updated content on topics such as: job search sources, work permit/visa regulations, resume writing guidelines and examples, employment trends, salary ranges, networking groups, cultural/interviewing advice, and much more.  An H1B Plus database provides millions of visa application listings for American employers seeking to hire international talent in the United States.

Handshake Career Paths(link is external)
Learn about different jobs and fields to make the next step in your career.

O*Net(link is external)
O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!

Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)(link is external)
For hundreds of different types of jobs—such as teacher, lawyer, and nurse—the Occupational Outlook Handbook tells you: the training and education needed, earnings, expected job prospects, what workers do on the job, working conditions.  In addition, the Handbook gives you job search tips, links to information about the job market in each State, and more. 

VaultReports(link is external)
Vault will be the indispensable provider of information and solutions for professionals and students who are pursuing and managing high-potential careers.

CA Occupational Guides(link is external)
Occupational Guides are available in two versions:
Summary Guide includes job description, job outlook and wages, and qualification requirements. Detailed Guide expands on everything in the Summary Guide plus benefits, licensing, education, training, links to possible employers, how to find a job, related occupations, and links to additional resources.