Ensemble Producer Agreement

PASJ Mid and Small Stage Productions

Ensemble Producer – defined as management and artist support for the Faculty Producer. Can be an adjunct faculty, full-time faculty, or staff of USF as well as a contract with an outside professional.

The specifics of the Ensemble Producer are defined between the Faculty Producer, the Ensemble Producer with agreement from USF STAGES and PASJ Program Manager during the first production meeting for a Mid or Small (class 2 or 3 as defined by the STAGES Operational Policy Agreement) stage production.

Specific Responsibilities (including, but not limited to):

  • Artistic Leadership
    determine what type of artistic material will be presented for the public performance project at least two semesters ahead of the performance date.
  • Determine the scale of the production
    to be produced in collaboration with other key faculty and in relation to the department’s artistic, pedagogical, and outreach goals.
  • Source and Supervise Artistic Staff with Program Manager
    including directors, choreographers, conductors, designers, vocal coaches, performers, and other artists necessary for the creation of public performances in collaboration with the Department Chair, Production Manager, and other key faculty and staff.
  • Oversee Casting Process
    in collaboration with Director/Ensemble Producer. Assist in the organization of auditions, and attend bi-annual auditions, communicate with students about audition expectations, participate in casting process in order to determine that production casting meets both artistic and pedagogical goals.
  • Choose artistic program order with Director/Ensemble Producer
    and/or with other key faculty and staff. (as needed)
  • Responsible for scheduling and being physically present or designating a representative for:
    load-in, tech, dress rehearsals, strike, student post-mortem, and production post-mortem. They are also responsible for communicating updates to EMS and STAGES Staff of any changes in space use or type of use.
  • Oversee production budget
    based on needs assessment and available resources in collaboration Department Chair, Program Manager, Production Manager, and Technical Director.
  • Oversee production schedule
    in collaboration Department Chair, Program Manager, Production Manager, Technical Director, and Lead Artists.
  • Oversee the marketing with Program Manager
    for determining marketing resources allocated to the production.
  • Facilitate or designate who will facilitate
    artistic post-mortems with students (if desired) and production post-mortems with faculty and staff (required) scheduled by STAGES staff.

Respond promptly to all artistic and production-related communications.

By signing this document you are agreeing to be the main point of contact for STAGES staff, as well as the first point of contact for student producers, student designers, and any over hire professional staff, or designate a main point of contact.

The faculty producer or designee is agreeing to be physically present for the following:

  • Production Meetings Date/s:
  • Load in Date/s:
  • Tech Dates:
  • Strike Dates (starting no later than 1 day after final performances):
  • Student post-mortem:
  • Production post-mortem:

This agreement is for a PASJ Ensemble event in DANCE THEATER MUSIC for the

Agreement Confirmation