Sample Behavioral Interview Questions
Planning and Organization
- Give an example of how you prioritize and organize your schedule.
- Tell me about a time you successfully met an important deadline.
- Describe a situation when you had many projects or assignments due at the same time. What steps did you take to get them all done?
- Give an example of when you went above and beyond expectations.
- Tell me about a project you have initiated. What influenced you to begin the project?
Interpersonal Skills
- When working on a team, describe a time when one person was not doing their share of the work. What did you do?
- Tell me about the most challenging person you have ever interacted with.
- Give an example where you resolved a conflict.
- Describe a situation when you had to be assertive.
- Describe a situation that was successful because of your participation.
- Describe a situation in which you were able to overcome a personality conflict in order to get results.
- Give an example of a stressful situation in which you used coping skills to manage.
Communication Skills
- Tell me about a time when you had to explain complicated material. How did you clarify if the other person understood your explanation?
- Describe a situation where you persuaded others.
- Tell me about a time in which you had to use your written communication skills in order to get across an important point.
- Give me an example of how you have used active listening to help a situation.
- Tell me about a time when you took charge of a project and achieved successful results.
- Discuss a situation where you have turned ideas into action.
- Tell me about a time you had to lead people who were resistant to your leadership.
- Give an example of a time you provided an innovative solution.
- What is the most creative thing you have ever done?
Decision Making
- Give an example of a time you had to make a difficult decision.
- Describe a time a peer/colleague disagreed with a decision of yours.
- Summarize a situation where you had to seek out relevant information, define key issues and determine steps to get a desired result.