USF Student Elections


As students, we can create real change by voting on issues and officials that impact our lives and the well-being of our communities. Change starts here at USF! Every student is pre-registered to vote in the USF Student Elections for your representatives in student government.

USF Votes

We also encourage students to participate in national, state, and local elections through partnership with USF Votes, the McCarthy Center’s initiative to register 100% of all eligible USF students, educate them about issues and candidates, and turn out 100% of registered voters at election time.

Why the Wolf?

The tradition of the wolf and kettle dates back many centuries to the Basque country of Spain. Legend has it that the Loyola family, ancestors of St. Ignatius of Loyola, was so generous that after feeding their family, they would serve their extra food to feed the animals, even the wolves. This act of service and giving became depicted as two wolves and a kettle on Loyola family crest. The symbolism reflects the USF Student Elections values of service and selfless giving.

Spring 2025 Representatives - Join ASUSF Senate or GSS Senate

ASUSF Senate holds elections every semester for undergraduate students. All positions are filled in the April election. The Freshman Class Representative position is filled in the November election. 

GSS Senate holds elections every year for graduate students. All positions are filled in the April election.

Spring 2025 Election Timeline

The candidate application will remain open between Monday, February 24 to Friday, March 21. Candidates will attend a required orientation and campaign material submission process. 

The Campaign and Election Voting Process for Spring 2025 begins Monday, April 7 and closes at 4 p.m. on Monday, April 21.

Spring 2025 Election Voting and Results

Election Results will be made public on Tuesday, April 22, 2025. Voting takes place Monday, April 7 to Monday, April 21. Be sure to vote for your Representatives! 

The USF Senate Elections Team commends the time, energy, and efforts of the candidates. Their interest in serving their peers as a representative on ASUSF Senate is celebrated and we hope all interested seek other opportunities to stay connected with ASUSF and support their various constituencies.

For More Information

Contact with any questions about USF Student Elections.