ASUSF Senate Voter Guide



Kiannah-Nicole Karani

Major: Environmental Engineering/Science

Throughout my time in Senate, I have been committed to championing initiatives that aim to enhance the student experience. Examples include facilitating Senate collaboration with Facilities that resulted in the refurbishing of the Gilson Dorm Kitchen, as well as working to improve our campus’ sustainability with the ongoing UC3 Patio remodeling project. In my current role as VP of Internal Affairs, I have honed the skills I began nurturing as the Freshman Class Representative: collaborative problem-solving, strategic planning, and effective communication - all essential for Presidency. My motivations are rooted in bringing diverse perspectives together and fostering a spirit of unity. I aim to be a resource available to senators and students alike, spearheading initiatives that drive impactful change. I will leverage my experience and relationships to aid the team in delivering tangible results. I am ready to lead with passion, integrity, and a steadfast commitment to serving the students of the University of San Francisco.

Anagh Shetty

Major: Business Analytics, Minor: Economics

My name is Anagh Shetty, and I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for Student Senate President. I am a junior studying Business Analytics and Economics. With a deep involvement in campus life, including serving as the treasurer for my fraternity Phi Delta Theta and active participation in various other student organizations, I have developed a keen understanding of the concerns of our student body. I also worked as Student Ambassador at the Admissions Office and my experience has  equipped me with insights into the workings of our university and the challenges faced by our fellow students and the expectations of incoming students. 

If elected as Student Senate President, my goals include enhancing the sense of community at USF through initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. I aspire to streamline communication channels between students and university administration to ensure that student concerns are addressed. With a collaborative mindset, leadership experience, and a deep understanding of student needs, I am confident in my ability to represent the diverse voices of our student body and work towards a brighter future for all students. Thank you for considering me!


VIce President of Finance

Nadine Tabucao

Major: Economics, Minor: Business Analytics

I believe that in order to enact change on a broad scale, we must start by empowering our local communities. As VP of Finance, my aim is to cultivate an empowering and vibrant community at USF, beginning with robust and equitable financial support for our student organizations. My past experiences as VP of Finance and President have shown me firsthand the transformative impact of ASUSF's financial assistance on our student organizations. Witnessing this influence inspired me to lead a successful campaign last year, boosting ASUSF student organization funding by 25%. I am committed to sustaining the dynamic student life at USF and facilitating opportunities for students to engage with their community. If re-elected, I will continue to champion student organizations, ensuring a vibrant student experience.

Vice President of Internal

Metzli Lemus

Major: Critical Diversity Studies, concentration in Chicanx, Latinx, and Indigenous Studies, Minor: Politics 

Hello! My name is Metzli Lemus and I am running for Vice President of Internal Affairs on ASUSF Senate. I am a second year Critical Diversity Studies major with a minor in politics. I have gotten involved with on campus organizations such as LUNA where I am the events coordinator and I am the At-Large Latine Student Representative on Senate. In both of these roles I have brought to life many on campus events such as: The Black and Brown Get Down; and Molcajete. Aside from representing the Latine community, I serve on the current Internal Affairs Committee, ensuring your student government is running proactively. I was able to pass a resolution allowing for Indigenous students to burn their traditional medicines. I hope to represent what the student body truly wants in Senate. We represent you all, and I hope to do this by ensuring Senate internally remains motivated and has the resources in order to have the student body heard by the administration. I cannot wait to serve you all this upcoming year!

Vice President of Marketing and Communications

Kaly Kramer

Major: Psychology, Minor: Neuroscience

My name is Kaly Kramer, and I am thrilled to be running for the position of Vice President of Marketing and Communications. As a psychology major, I bring a unique perspective to the realm of marketing and communications with a deep understanding of human behavior, motivations, and communication patterns. A goal of mine for this position is to ensure ASUSF senate websites accurately represent the values and morals of USF as well as connect with the USF student body. I am deeply passionate about amplifying student voices and fostering a sense of community on our campus. I believe that effective communication plays a crucial role in ensuring that every student feels heard, informed, and empowered to participate in campus life.

Mar Ruiz

Major: Politics

Aloha! I am Mar Ruiz, your current freshman class representative and aspiring Vice President of Marketing and Communications. My mission for this year as freshman class representative was to create a clear line of communication between the senate and the student body. I made progress towards that goal but, I am not finished. That is why you should vote for me as your future VPMC. As the freshman class representative, I have been able to install Hilltop Headlines and advertise many of the senate’s events to create a solid foundation. However, I am driven and committed to enhancing this connection. Together, we can create a future that includes a more connected and empowered student body. 

Forever and always, I will be, a fan of the people.

Priya Singh

Major: Public Health

Hey all, I am a sophomore Majoring in public health and also on a pre-med track. I'm Running for ASUSF Vice President of Marketing and Communication, I am here For “US” to make sure our voices are heard collectively as students, and to make changes together by keeping campus events unmissable and campus life vibrant and also by ensuring complete transparency. 

Your vote can make a big difference!! 


Vice President of Advocacy

Emily Lutrick

Major: Chemistry Minor: Sociology

I will advocate the best ideas that YOU want to the administration to better your experience at USF! I want to help get your voices heard

Aderet Parrino

Major: Critical Diversity Studies, Minor: Spanish Studies, Public Service & Community Engagement

Advocacy has been the passion of my life for 6 years, from grassroots activism and protest to community organizing and student government. I was the Gender and Sexuality Rep for two semesters in which I passed resolutions making Gender Inclusive admissions equitable, securing the Title IX office in a consistent location, and ensuring our trans athletes are respected. As VPA, I led weekly Advocacy Committees where we planned Earth Week activities (which you’ll see on campus soon!), allocated the sustainability-focused GIFT Fund to student orgs with a vision for a more sustainable USF, revised groundbreaking resolutions, and coordinated with Facilities to ensure they took action in regards to dorm mold prevention. Additionally, I passed a historic resolution calling to divest from companies affiliated with the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine, the first passed in a Jesuit university! I will forever do this work for the People, creating a USF by the People.

Senior Class Representative

Corina Mong

Major: Biology, Minor: Chemistry and Asian Pacific American Studies

My name is Corina Mong and I am a rising senior Biology student, and I want to be your senior representative. I work at a lab where I get to train both students and adults effectively, by fostering a learning environment. I want to be your voice so that your queries and suggestions are brought to the table and addressed. Goals I envision is an increase in merit scholarships, for continuing and new students, proportional to the increase in tuition. Another goal of mine is to create more accessible birth control options on campus. As seniors who will have experienced a few years at USF, I believe it is important to leave a better environment behind than when we first arrived. Please vote for me as your senior representative!

Sophomore Class Representative

Kettric Hill

Major: Management

Dear Sophomores, 

I'm thrilled to run for Sophomore Class Representative. I'll be your voice, advocating for our needs to ensure a memorable year. Engaged in various activities, I understand our diverse perspectives. Collaboration is key to positive change, and I'm committed to fostering an inclusive environment where every voice matters.

If elected, I'll address important issues like academic support and social events. I'll organize activities to promote school spirit and class unity. I'll also be accessible to listen to your ideas and concerns, ensuring transparency and accountability in decision-making. 

Let's make sophomore year unforgettable together. I'm ready to serve with integrity and dedication. Thank you for considering me. 


Kettric Hill

School of Management Representative

Jeslyn Theodore

Major: Business Analytics 

My name is Jeslyn Shannon Theodore, and I am a first-year student majoring in Business Analytics. I am really passionate about exploring different functional business activities and how they operate in general. I am currently involved in the Roundnet community as the event manager and part of ISA as a finance chair. Through these organizations, I've seen many tremendous potentials in the student body, and I want to advocate for students in SOM to achieve more during their four years in USF. Being among many great business companies in Silicon Valley, I believe that our students in SOM should have the opportunity to be exposed to bigger and more well-known companies. I understand that it could be hard to know where to start and gain more professional experience (especially in competitive firms), so I aim to create more industry-specific events and work more closely with career services to figure out how to provide guidance and information for students to be involved and achieve the career of their dreams.

Ethan Victoriano

Major: Accounting, Minor: Economics

Vote Ethan Victoriano ASUSF School of Management Rep! I am a Junior studying accounting and economics, who is deeply passionate about business and community. Outside of school, I enjoy skiing, photography, gaming, and music. I decided to run for this position because of my heavy involvement in the Finance Committee, my desire to serve the broader USF community, and to leave an ever-lasting impact on USF. I believe in amplifying the voice of my peers as well as providing a greater, but accurate representation of those in the School of Management. Ultimately, my goals are to ensure that the needs of the School of Management are heard in Senate, to act as your efficient mediator with the faculty, and address your interests to Senate.

School of Nursing and Health Professions Representative

Klarenz Basco

Major: Nursing

My name is Klarenz Basco (he/him). I am a nursing major going into my third year and I want to immerse myself into this program in a way that I have not before. I love to believe in people and put a lot of trust and hope into others. I want to learn to be a person that can be trusted as well. I am running for this position because I want to work with the department and create connections, finding ways for the students and department to connect. I think it is important that our feelings as students are taken care of and taken into consideration. I hope that I can be reliable, continue to grow to express whatever values and opinions we have as nursing students, and be an advocate for all students. Wishing you all luck and happiness! :)

Student of Color Representative

NyAshia Pressley

Major: Engineering, Minor: Legal Studies

Hi! I am from South Carolina and I am a current first year, soon to be second year, engineering major minoring in legal studies. I think I am qualified for this role as my current time in Senate as the Student of Color Representative has already been productive, such as my work with the creation of a larger and permanent BRC that will be implemented in the fall. I am running for the Student of Color Representative because as my time on this campus increases, I constantly see the need for productivity and change within certain policies and treatment of students of color on this campus. My goals for next year would to be to build on what I have done with the BRC, to push for diversity amongst our professors and to continue to help my fellow peers, such as the Black Student Rep and the AAPI rep, wherever I see fit. Thank you!

Transfer Student Representative

Ivana Ramcharan

Major: Economics, Minor: Legal Studies

As a transfer student myself, I understand the unique challenges we face in navigating a new campus, but I also see the incredible potential we have to thrive here at USF. If elected as your Transfer Student Representative my top priorities will be, improving transfer-specific resources like orientations, mentorship programs, and administrative support to ensure a seamless transition. I'll also prioritize increasing social events and community building so transfers can easily meet others who understand their experiences and build a supportive network from day one. As a proud transfer, I'll bring the motivation and ideas to create an environment where we don't just survive at USF, but thrive. With your support I'll do my best to create positive change benefitting our community!

International Student Representative

Aarav Gupta

Major: Computer Science

Ahoy, fellow Buccaneers! I'm Aarav Gupta, a computer science major sailing in from Botswana, and I'm determined to better international student life on our campus. Whether it be through helping students find affordable food or ensuring that students get the help they need for challenges like taxes, I want to make life at USF, and life in the USA a better experience for international students. As an African Indian, I’m dedicated to ensuring that every mate feels welcome and supported. My major goal in the year is to represent international students as best as possible, and I can make sure I do that by frequently getting input from them. I love making new friends so if you see me around campus, please feel free to talk to me and tell me about anything bugging you. Whether I get the position or not, I thank you for your consideration and support! Arrr!

Vacant Positions

Junior Class Representative, College of Arts & Sciences Representative, Gender & Sexuality Representative, and Students with Disabilities Representative


Appointed Positions (Post Elections)

Title IX Representative, UBAC (University Budget Advisory Council) Representatives (2), and At-Large Representatives (8)

You may apply for one of the appointed positions for 2024-25 here

For more information about vacant positions or appointments please contact