Fall Protection Program

Cal OSHA's Personal Fall Arrest System (Title 8, Construction Safety Orders 1670) requires that individuals at risk of injury from falling receive the proper training and access to necessary safety equipment.

Fall Protection Safety regulations ensure safe work activities when the possibility of falling is present. The Fall Protection Program applies to any department on or off campus where any type of activity could result in injury from falls, specifically those who work on elevated surfaces and ladders at heights of seven (7) feet or greater. Additionally, those working on aerial platforms, scissor lift, or other elevated platform must receive equipment training.


Important: You must review the material and complete the quiz in the same session for the time you spend training to be recorded accurately. Most courses take about 30 minutes to complete.

Use the following link(s) to go to the training:

Fall Protection in Construction Training

Preventing Falls - Employee Training

Ladder Safety Training Course

Ladder Safety: Refresher Training Course

Important Notice

When taking training...

  • always ask your supervisor what "Title" to input.
  • always use your USFCA email when prompted.