Hazard Reporting Form

The purpose of this form is to report a safety suggestion, report a hazardous condition on campus, or unsafe work practice.

You may contact the Environmental Health & Safety office via telephone at (415) 422-6464 or e-mail at murphyj@usfca.edu.

If you are reporting a crime or a life-threatening condition please contact the Department of Public Safety (415) 422-4222 or call 9-1-1.

The preferred method is to complete the following and submit the completed form to the EH&S Office. The form will provide us the information we require to start an investigation into your concern and determine whether mitigation is needed.

You may submit this form without fear of reprisal and/or anonymously. If you wish to do so, you may submit the form without filling in your personal information at the bottom.

Safety concerns should first be addressed with your supervisor. If you are a student, contact your professor or any nearby staff. If you are a non-affiliate, please notify any nearby staff or faculty. If any of these parties are unable to assist, contact EH&S.

Important:  Please do not use this form to report incidents, injuries or illnesses as there are specific processes to report these.  For information on how to report these please review information at this link.