Dons Helping Dons
Work with student life, student organizations, and campus partners to encourage peer-to-peer support to increase positive health behaviors among the USF community.
Dons Helping Dons is a peer-led public health ambassador initiative working in collaboration with Health Promotion Services, Off-Campus Living, Student Housing and Residential Education and School Of Nursing and Health Professions, that provides a holistic peer-to-peer approach to promote the well-being of the USF community.
Dons Helping Dons ambassadors will work in alliance with campus partners to facilitate a shift in campus life culture to nurture a sound body, mind, and spirit through Cura personalis — care of the whole person. As we navigate through the changing environment Dons Helping Dons strives to strengthen our USF community through a process of continual support, encouragement, and education.
- Partner with campus departments to increase education and awareness of Dons Helping Dons.
- Partner with campus student organizations to increase education and awareness of Dons Helping Dons.
- Shift behavioral and cultural norms among the USF community through public health education/awareness to promote a sound mind, body, and spirit through Cura personalis — care of the whole person.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Attend bi-monthly team meetings
- Participate in tabling stations at USF events
- Host tabling stations on various topics that align with the Seven Dimensions of Wellness
- Volunteer for at least two Health Promotion Services signature events
- Participate in social media marketing
Follow Us @donshelpingdons
Contact Us
Health Promotion Services
2130 Fulton Street University Center, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94117
Mon-Fri: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
UC 5th Front Desk Hours are Mon-Fri: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.