Student Journals

Student Journals

The USF School of Law has three student-run academic journals, providing opportunities for students to improve their writing and analytical skills in their area of interest.

USF Law Review

The USF Law Review is staffed and managed by students of the USF School of Law. The journal, which is published four times a year, serves as USF's voice in the ongoing academic debate regarding the evolution of law. Each issue of legal scholarship is comprised of articles by professors and practitioners as well as student notes and/or comments. All articles are subject to a rigorous editorial process to strengthen substance, polish tone, and ensure citation accuracy

Intellectual Property and Technology Law Journal

The Intellectual Property and Technology Law Journal is a student-run law journal focusing on current trends in intellectual property law. The bulletin includes articles from students, professors, and practitioners on diverse areas of intellectual property law ranging from patents to cyberspace law. The bulletin also includes a survey of the cutting-edge intellectual property cases in the country.

Interested? Email Kenji Quijano at