Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Program
Cal OSHA's Asbestos (Title 8, Construction Safety Orders 1529) requires that individuals at risk of exposure to asbestos receive the proper training required to limit health risk.
Asbestos is a common group of fibrous minerals used in a variety of building materials. While measures have been taken to mitigate the presence of asbestos on campus, certain pipe insulation, doors, textured paints or plasters, structural fireproofing, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, adhesives, and roofing may still contain asbestos. These asbestos fibers could also be released either from a natural disaster, such as a fire or earthquake, accidental damage, or other disturbance to the aforementioned asbestos containing material.
To avoid potential exposure, only trained and state certified employees may remove, drill, bore, or in any way disturb asbestos-containing construction material.
Small-scale removals and/or repairs are only permitted when performed by individuals with the required experience, training, and protective gear.
Important: You must review the material and complete the quiz in the same session for the time you spend training to be recorded accurately. Most courses take about 30 minutes to complete.
Use the following link(s) to go to the training:
Important Notice
When taking training...
- always ask your supervisor what "Title" to input.
- always use your USFCA email when prompted.