Interfaith and Social Justice
During a visit to USF, Sr. Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking commented, "If you don't raise your voice against something that is wrong in your society, you're upholding the status quo."
Our interfaith and social justice programs invite people of all faiths, those seeking, and those of no faith tradition to meet at the intersection of faith and justice in order to create a more just and equitable society. Participants will examine what they believe and gain the tools and resources necessary to put their belief into action.

USF embraces people of all faiths. Throughout the academic year, students of all religious traditions gather to examine their own values and explore new faith traditions around campus. University Ministry offers opportunities and information about worship in other faith traditions in this community and in the local area.

The Multi-Faith Meditation Room provides a sanctuary where people of all faiths and religious traditions may retreat for prayer, meditation, and spiritual activities. The space features several design elements or symbols that are represented in all of the world's major religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Bahai, Judaism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Christianity.

From interfaith collaborations to social justice initiatives, our students are dedicated to fostering understanding and equity. Through advocacy, community engagement, and service, they embody the spirit of working with and for others. As people of diverse faiths and shared values, they are committed to building a more inclusive and just world. Discover how they are making an impact.