General Scholarships

Federal financial aid, state, and university resources are available as funding to newly admitted and current USF School of Education students.

In order to offset the cost of graduate education tuition, many School of Education courses are offered in the late afternoon and evening, and/or on alternating weekends. Most students find they can maintain a full time job while earning their credential, master’s or doctoral degree. However, if your program requires you to spend time in a classroom (e.g. student teaching) or to complete a fieldwork or traineeship experience, such commitments will interfere with a normal workday. Please consult your intended program of study for more information.

*Note: Students enrolled in the School of Education's Certificate programs are not eligible for federal financial aid (FAFSA). 

The following scholarships are available to all USF School of Education master's or doctoral students. Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the scholarship description.

Open All

Accepted students may receive scholarships to cover between one and six credits of tuition* in the first year of their program. All accepted students are automatically considered for these scholarships – there is no additional application.

* Scholarship funds include endowments from the SOE general scholarship fund.

The Social Justice Scholarship is open to USF students enrolled in programs at the Hilltop Campus, branch campuses, and online. 
(Newly admitted students are not eligible in their first semester and can apply in the second semester.) Past recipients of the scholarship are eligible to apply again, but preference will be given to those who have not yet received the scholarship and who meet the criteria. Dual Degree in Teacher Preparation students entering their fifth year of the MA/credential program may apply.


  1. Previous and/or current experience in community service and engagement,
  2. Commitment to developing partnerships with marginalized youth, schools, and/or communities,
  3. Personal and professional background related to issues of marginalization and social justice, AND
  4. Demonstrated financial need.


  • Student completes online application (Summer and Fall 2025)
  • Within the application, student uploads their answer to the following essay prompt: In 300 words or less, please explain how you meet the criteria for this scholarship and why you would like to be considered. 

Completed application must be received by the following dates to be considered for the corresponding semester:

  • Deadline for Intersession and Spring 2025: Scholarships: 11/30/24
  • Deadline for Summer and Fall 2025 Scholarships: 3/31/25

For questions, please contact Quyen Tran at

Note: Any applications received after the deadline may still be considered.  However, funding may not be posted to your account before Census date.  Applicants who do not follow the instructions, submit partial applications, or miss the deadline, though, may not be considered or contacted. Scholarship recipients will be notified via USF email within one month of the application deadline.  

The School of Education awards a number of Graduate Assistantships each year, allowing students to work with a Faculty Mentor in the areas of research, teaching or professional development. Selected students will be paid an hourly rate of $16.39* (subject to change) for up to 200 hours per fiscal year (hours must be utilized by May 20).


  • Students must be admitted to and enrolled in a graduate program in the School of Education
  • Students must maintain full-time enrollment status (part-time students are eligible only if a written exception request is submitted to Kathleen Antokhin, Assistant Director of Student Employment, and approval is awarded)
  • The proposed project must have a strong mentorship component, so that students are able to strengthen their research, teaching, or professional skills

Application Process

  • School of Education full-time faculty member (aka Faculty Mentor) selects student(s) with whom they will work and supervise
  • Faculty Mentor completes online Faculty Application
  • Student completes online Student Application (including submission of their résumé/CV and unofficial transcript) 
  • Student obtains Work Clearance Form from Student Enrollment Services

NOTE: A student may not begin working as a Graduate Assistant until their Work Clearance Form is on file with the School of Education

Application Deadlines

  • All applications must be submitted by May 21
  • The work may begin June 1

*Scholarship funds include endowments from the SOE general scholarship fund.

Doctoral and master’s students in the School of Education are eligible for up to $300 for professional development funds to attend professional development events (e.g., conferences, workshops) or to support research engagements related to critical research methodologies (e.g., books and technologies).

Application criteria:
Current master's or doctoral student in the School of Education who have taken critical research methods courses (GEDU: 603, 706, 707, 708, 711, 712) and applying these concepts in your work or seeking to expand their knowledge in this area.

Interested students should apply as soon by the following deadlines:

  • Deadline for Fall Scholarships: November 1
  • Deadline for Spring Scholarships: February 28

If you have any questions about the GEDU Professional Development Funds, please contact Quyen Tran in the Dean's Office.

GEDU Professional Development Funds Application

The Mitchell Scholarship for Studies in International Education will provide up to $7,500 for a student in any SOE program with a demonstrated interest in the educational environment of subsaharan Africa. Eligible students should contact the SOE Dean's Office to request an application.

Application Deadlines

  • Intersession and Spring Scholarships: November 30
  • Summer and Fall Scholarships: March 30

*Please note: Any applications received after the deadline may still be considered. However, funding may not be posted to your account before Census date.

The School of Education is pleased to offer financial support to incoming and current undocumented and DACAmented students enrolled in any School of Education program (Hilltop or regional campuses). In recognition of the social change efforts that many of our undocumented students are engaged in, the scholarship responds to the social, cultural and political stressors undocumented and DACAmented students face. Awards will be given in the amount of up to $5,000 dollars.

Application Process

Interested applicants must complete the online application for the School of Education Scholarship for Undocumented Students. Applications will be reviewed on a continuous basis. Our committee seeks to make decisions within four weeks after application is submitted. Your application will be reviewed by a group of School of Education faculty and staff dedicated to supporting undocumented and DACAmented students. Your application will be handled with the utmost care and confidentiality.

If you have any questions about the application, please contact

Eligibility Requirements

  • Undocumented or DACAmented student
  • Incoming or current student in any School of Education program (Hilltop or regional campuses)
  • Candidates with financial need will be prioritized, but all will be considered
  • Priority will be given to applicants who are actively engaged in education advocacy, immigrant rights, or other work related to supporting undocumented students

To find out more information regarding AGUSF funding, please go to our website.

Conference Presentation Stipend: Guidelines and Application Form. If you have any questions about this stipend application, please contact your department chair.

Emergency funds are available to USF undergraduate and graduate students who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses due to a temporary hardship related to an emergency situation that may jeopardize their health, safety and/or academic performance. Funds may be granted to students to help alleviate financial hardships that are brought on by these circumstances. Funds cannot be used for drugs, alcohol, or any other unintended use besides the item(s) requested. The limit for funding is a maximum of $599.99 per student. Complete the online application.

USF Alumni and current students can be awarded the USF Double Dons Scholarship upon admission. The scholarship covers 20% of the program tuition, and may not be stacked with other USF scholarship awards. Exceptions may apply.

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