AGSUSF Funding

Graduate Funding

AGSUSF funding allows for graduate students and graduate student organizations (GSOs) to access funding to advance graduate student life. AGSUSF funding is overseen and allocated by the GSS Finance Committee. This funding is reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Types of AGSUSF Funding

AGSUSF Conference Funding

Funding to allow members of the AGSUSF the resources to attend conferences that advance graduate student life through personal and professional development. 

Eligibility guidelines and application details for Conference Funding

AGSUSF Certification Funding

Funding to allow members of the AGSUSF the resources to complete certifications that advance graduate student life through personal and professional development. 

Eligibility guidelines and application details for CERTIFICATION Funding

AGSUSF Development Funding

Funding to allow GSOs the resources to advance the internal development of their organization through organization branding, uniform attire, and supplies. 

Eligibility guidelines and application details for Development Funding

AGSUSF Event Funding

Funding to allow GSOs the resources to host signature on-campus graduate student events.

Eligibility guidelines and application details for event funding


Have a question about which type of funding you or your registered student organization would be qualified for? Please email