AGSUSF Operating Budget

AGSUSF Operating Budget

The AGSUSF Student Activity Fee is disbursed to provide increased activities, opportunities, and services for graduate students and graduate student organizations with the goal to advance graduate student engagement at USF. The annual AGSUSF operating budget is overseen and allocated by the GSS Finance Committee and approved by the GSS.

GSS Finance Committee

The GSS Finance Committee is a committee of graduate students that ensures the fiscal responsibility of the GSS while reviewing and maintaining the budget, allocation of funding, and development of policies around funding applications. The GSS Finance Committee is chaired by the GSS Vice President of Finance. All members of the AGSUSF are eligible to serve on the GSS Finance Committee.

Services of AGSUSF

AGSUSF Conference Funding

AGSUSF Conference Funding is a source of funds available to all AGSUSF graduate students to access resources to support attendance at professional conferences. The total amount allocated to AGSUSF Conference Funding for 2024–25 is $30,000.


AGSUSF Conference Funding is a source of funds available to all AGSUSF graduate students to access resources to support attendance at professional conferences. The total amount allocated to AGSUSF Conference Funding for 2024–25 is $5,000.

AGSUSF Development Funding

AGSUSF Development Funding is a source of funds available to graduate student organizations to access resources to advance their organization. The total amount allocated to AGSUSF Development Funding for 2024–25 is $5,000.

AGSUSF Event Funding

AGSUSF Event Funding is a source of funds available to graduate student organizations to hold signature events on campus for graduate students. The total amount allocated to AGSUSF Event Funding for 2024–25 is $25,000.

AGSUSF Support Services

AGSUSF Support Services is the resources and support dedicated to all recognized graduate student organizations. The total amount allocated to AGSUSF Support Services for 2024–25 is $42,148:

  • General Operating Expenses ($17,648) include office supplies, organization funds and graphic design services for GSOs, and more.
  • Event Expenses ($18,500) include a GSO welcome, leadership development and speaker series, graduate student fall mixer, and graduate student reception at Chase Center.

Graduate Student Senate

Graduate Student Senate is the graduate student government organization that strives to meet the diverse needs of graduate students and to encourage academic, professional, and personal growth while building community. The total amount allocated to the Graduate Student Senate for 2024–25 is $111,214:

  • Compensation Expenses ($66,932) include compensation of elected GSS officers and a Student Government Assistant.
  • General Operating Expenses ($30,560) include office and professional supplies of the GSS, promotional items including GSS pens, and the Senate Initiative Fund for senators to access funds to put on initiatives to serve their constituents.
  • Development Expenses ($1,690) include trainings and retreat sessions for the GSS officers.
  • Event Expenses ($4,000) includes the Graduate Student Academic Showcase, and other signature events of the GSS.