Ed Tech Expo 2018


USF's Ed Tech Expo will be held on March 19 from 9-3 p.m in the McLaren Conference Center. This is the 5th annual Expo sponsored by Educational Technology Services to stimulate conversations and presentations led by USF's tech partners and faculty panels.

At the 2018 Expo, we will also have the first Student USFMobile Competition with a goal of stimulating creative thinking and team building.

Read more for details on competition guidelines and submission.


Keynote Speaker:
Jose Bowen, author of Teaching Naked

Title: Teaching Naked Techniques: Practical Workshops on Designing Better Classes

Practical and active workshops for all faculty that distills the latest research on how students learn tested techniques and best practices that work. Decades of research have brought an explosion of knowledge about how human evolution has shaped the way we process, think, and remember. Technology also provides new ways for students to receive first contact with material, enhanced opportunities to connect and create community, better ways to ensure that students are prepared for class, and new options for the sequence of learning encounters and activities. Teaching is largely a design problem, and we need to design our classes for the brain in the body.

Workshop 1: Designing Homework Students Will Do

  • clarify your design problem (for a specific section of your course)
  • identify discipline-specific online content
  • find an appropriate entry point and write conditional instructions
  • formulate pre-class test questions using Bloom's levels


Workshop 2: Designing Classes Students Will Attend


  • create an assignment as class preparation
  • develop class activities as extensions and applications
  • customize a cognitive wrapper

AGENDA | McL 250

9 - 10 a.m.

Registration opens.
Vendor Fair begins. Meet and greet USF's Technology Vendor Partners throughout the day.

9:30 - 10:20 a.m. Keynote Speaker: Jose Bowen
10:30 - 12:00 p.m. Workshop 1: Designing Homework Students Will Do
Jose Bowen
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Student Tech Competition
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Lunch
12:30 - 2:00 p.m.

Workshop 2: Designing Classes Students Will Attend
Jose Bowen

2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Faculty/Staff Networking
2:30 p.m. Raffle Drawing
3:00 p.m. Closing

Participating Vendors & USF Representatives

        Apple   Poll Everywhere   USF Registrar: DegreeWorks
    Blackboard Ally   Turnitin   Instructional Technology and Training
    ECHO360   Center for Academic and Student Achievement (CASA)   Instructional Design
    Dell   Open Education and Library Licensed Resources   Media Services
    Digication   Tracy Seeley Center for Teaching Excellence   ITS Help
    Lynda.com   USF Purchasing & Ancillary Services   ITS Application Services
    Microsoft   USF Bookstore   ITS Infrastructure

Event Sponsored By: