ATXpo Call for Proposals

Event Description

The 2018 ATXpo is a one-day event on Monday, October 8th, 2018 that will bring together faculty members, instructors, students and staff from Stanford University, University of California (UC) Berkeley, UC-San Francisco, San Francisco State University, San Jose State University, University of San Francisco, Santa Clara University and St. Mary's College of California to share, discuss and promote effective practices for teaching and learning with technology. This year’s event will continue to foster new collaborations between participants by showcasing projects, pedagogies and practices that have supported excellent teaching and learning in the Bay Area.


The IdeaLab will feature exhibitors that showcase practices, projects, and technologies that are improving teaching and learning at the participating institutions. Unlike conventional poster sessions, the IdeaLab will encourage exhibitors and participants to actively engage with each other through play, experimentation, and collaboration. Exhibitors will focus their presentations around the central teaching and learning challenge they addressed, and how their solution might be adopted by other participants. Each exhibit will be required to have materials available on site or online so that participants can begin to use that resource.


The 2018 ATXpo Advisory Board will review and prioritize the proposals based on the extent to which they address the criteria described below.


IdeaLab participants are invited to submit a proposal that clearly articulates:

  • a summary of your course, activity, tool or instructional method
  • the teaching or learning challenge being addressed
  • the evidence of impact from your project
  • and how this project could be adapted to serve other courses, activities or teaching challenges.


Current faculty, students and staff members from Stanford University, University of California (UC), Berkeley, UC-San Francisco, San Francisco State University, San Jose State University, University of San Francisco, Santa Clara University, and St. Mary's College of California are invited to submit a proposal.


  • Sahar Hojjat and Scott Myers, University of California, San Francisco, School of Pharmacy, "Focusing on the NOW: A Faculty Training Program for Utilizing New Technologies in Health Care Professional Curriculums" - This project models a newly structured program for successful faculty training in integrating advanced education technologies to the classroom. Although fast-paced developments in technology platforms have occurred in recent years, advancement in student learning continues to be impeded by faculty understanding and adoption of these systems. Here we present a structured training program utilizing online toolkit strategies that optimize the education and training of faculty in transition to future academic practices.
  • Theresa Conefreyand Jackie Hendricks, Santa Clara University, Department of English, “New Content and New Pedagogy for Tech Writing” - Our project supports the re-design of a multiple-sectioned Core Curriculum advanced writing course taught by English faculty and required by all engineering majors.  We created and are still curating materials in a drive on G Suite for Education.  Our drive, "English 181 Teaching Resources", offers guidance on incorporating educational technology into the course, examples of assignments to assess learning outcomes, and multimedia resources on all course topics to supplement more traditional text-based content.  Instructors can easily access our materials and add their own. We also created a Google Group for instructors to comment on and request new materials as needed.
  • Helen L. Chen, Stanford University, Center for Design Research and Office of the Registrar, Mei Hung and Joyce Li, Stanford University, Office of the Registrar, "Innovations in How Student Learning is Verified, Recorded, and Represented Using ePortfolios, CeCertificates, and Alternative Credentials" - Over the past year, the Office of the Registrar has been working on various initiatives around creating greater transparency around student learning.  These efforts have included the development of richer representations of learning and credentials in the form of certified electronic certificates and cognitive skill stamps as well as experiments with block chain technology to provide verified artifacts. Each of these projects has engaged partners from various programs and departments from across campus (e.g. Graduate School of Business, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Vice Provost for Student Affairs).
  • Kimberly Tanner and Melinda Owen, San Francisco State University, Department of Biology, “What’s in the Noise? Classifying Teaching Practices with DART (Decibel Analysis for Research in Teaching” - Active-learning pedagogies have been repeatedly demonstrated to produce superior learning gains compared with lecture-based pedagogies. Here, we describe the machine-learning–derived algorithm Decibel Analysis for Research in Teaching (DART), which can analyze audio recordings of STEM courses quickly, cheaply, and without human observers to estimate the frequency of active learning. DART analyzes the volume and variance of classroom recordings to predict the quantity of time spent on single voice (e.g., lecture), multiple voice (e.g., pair discussion), and no voice (e.g., clicker question thinking) activities. Therefore, DART has the potential to systematically inventory the presence of active learning with ∼90% accuracy across thousands of courses in diverse settings with minimal effort.
  • Cathy Gabor, University of San Francisco, Department of English, “Students Writing Instead of Reading Wikipedia” - For the past three semesters in an upper-division seminar entitled Rhetoric 295: Writing in Electronic Environments, the students have done an eight-week project editing Wikipedia entries based on extensive academic research. The students work in groups, using university library resources, guidance from the professor and TA, and tips from the non-profit organization WikiEdu. They write individually and collectively in a sandbox, the Wikipedia Talk Pages, and the Wikipedia entries. The project culminates in an on-campus presentation in which students show their work and reflect upon authorship in the digital spaces of the early 21st century.
  • For more IdeaLab examples, please see previous year IdeaLab archives.




  • Proposal process opens: July 27th
  • Proposal process closes: September 3rd
  • Proposals reviewed by our committee:  September 4th - September 10th
  • Awardees notified: September 15th


IdeaLab exhibitors will receive the following:

  • exhibit space that includes a screen/projector and a table
  • help setting up your exhibit the morning of the ATXpo
  • assistance uploading your materials to the ATXpo website
  • publicity for your project through event marketing and documentation.


John Bansavich (