Graduate Student Senate Meetings
Be Heard at Graduate Student Senate Meetings
Graduate Student Senate (GSS) holds open monthly meetings. Any graduate student may address the GSS during the Open Forum portion of the meeting.
Graduate Student Senate Meetings
Fall 2024 Times: Monday's 6:30pm-8:00pm the following dates
August 26, September 30, October 28, November 25
Join in person in UC 402/403 or via Zoom
If you wish to attend meetings, please contact
After approval of the agenda and minutes, an administrative overview was provided regarding daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Each committee outlined their goals for the semester and the budget was covered including what hours are allocated for each member. The meeting concluded with announcements and a reminder to remain communicative within the team.
The meeting opened with an overview of the elections period for the next academic year. Each committee provided updates on their progress and current projects. There was an overview of the annual budget for AY 2025-26, strategies to promote GSS events, and membership. Bylaw amendments were passed, including changes to absence policies, voting structures, 1:1 formats, office hours, and GPA requirements. Open forum discussed budget concerns that will affect the Board of Trustees meetings going forward. After announcements the meeting was adjourned.
After approval of the agenda and minutes, overall administration proceeders were introduced. Committee assignments were confirmed followed by a presentation from Shannon Gary, Dean of Students. A short Q&A session was held and outreach strategies were suggested by the team and the meeting was adjourned.
September 30th- Meeting Minutes
After approval of the minutes and agenda, each committee shared individual updates. A suggestion was provided for a graduate student representative to be present on the Food and Dining Committee which will be discussed later. Fall Summit was discussed, a theme was decided, and details will continue to be outlined. After announcements and the introduction of the new School of Management representative, the meeting was adjourned.
After approval of the minutes and agenda, A guest speaker from Career Services came to present about their department. Three resolutions were introduced the Fall Summit was discussed in depth. The meeting concluded with an announcement regarding tabling and the November Chase Center game.
November 25th- Meeting Minutes
After approval of the agenda and minutes, highlights were shared from the Fall Semester. Feedback was then provided on the Fall Summit and communication for future events was emphasized. A conversation regarding meeting dates for the spring and the need for hybrid meeting spaces. After the introduction of proposed changes to the bylaws, the meeting was adjourned.
January Retreat| February | March | April | May
- August 28th: At the first meeting of the Fall semester, the GSS Senate did icebreakers and introductions to everyone and their positions. Then, the Senate reviewed the basics of Roberts's Rule of Order, and the Executive Board introduced themselves and gave their reports. They closed the meeting by discussing Committee Appointments and a possible proposal for budget changes. August 28th Agenda |August 28th Minutes
- September 24th: During September's meeting, the GSS discussed interviews for open positions. The GSS discussed and voted to change multiple bylaws. Some include increasing expected weekly hours for Senators, allowing committee members to appoint new Senators, and extending deadlines for candidates to apply for positions. The meeting concluded with the Executive Board and all present Senators giving an update about their current projects. September 24th Agenda | September 24th Minutes
- October 29th: During this month's meeting, GSS discussed the potential of creating a Graduate Student Lounge where commuters can hang out between classes and hold events. The Senate also discussed creating a USF Journal as a monthly newsletter for graduate students. The meeting ended by welcoming newly onboarded members and reports from the Executive Board and Senators. October 29th Agenda | October 29th Minutes
- November 19th: During November's meeting, GSS discussed their "apparel bag" and feedback on the GSS Newsletter and Survey. The Executive Board and Senators gave their monthly updates and discussed meeting times for the next semester. November 19th Agenda | November 19th Minutes