Self-Help Resources
Summer of Self-Care
- Mental Health All Stars: A fun cartoon of the "all stars" that help you stay mentally well
- 15 Activities for Your Summer Self-Care Checklist: Some great ideas for self-care this summer, from Mental Health First Aid; be sure to adapt any of the tips to accommodate social distancing and other safety measures as needed
- Summer Self-Care Challenge: A bunch of fun things you can do this summer to take care of yourself and enjoy, from "Blessing Manifesting," a blog by Dominee; be sure to adapt any of the tips to accommodate social distancing and other safety measures as needed
Additional Self-Help Resources
Welcome! In the links below, you can find information on a variety of topics relevant to college student mental health and well-being. Some of the information listed was created by CAPS, and other material is from external websites. While we strive to provide links to useful and ethical websites, we have no control over the content and nature of the information offered, and the links do not imply a recommendation for all the content found on these sites.
Assessing & Addressing Mental Health Concerns
Anonymous Mental Health Screening
- CAPS offers an anonymous self-survey of mental health symptoms at Once you complete the brief screening, you will see your results, recommendations, and key resources.
Other General Mental Health Resources
- Daily Strength: Online support groups and forums on a variety of mental health issues.
- Freedom From Fear: A national nonprofit serving people affected by anxiety, depression, and related disorders through advocacy, education, research, and community support. Website provides comprehensive mental health information and resources.
- How Stuff Works: Offers various resources, as well as information regarding mental health. Some issues covered are autism, depression, and schizophrenia.
- Half of Us: A campaign created by MTVU and The Jed Foundation to raise awareness about the prevalence of mental health issues on college campuses and connect students to resources to get help.
- Life on Campus: A resource from Mental Health America, with information and tools around various issues impacting the mental health and wellness of college students.
- Website with resources, news, mental health self-help, and more.
- S.A.F.E. (Self Abuse Finally Ends): Information on self-injury, as well as related topics such as depression and anxiety. Also includes an online library of web links, informal self-assessment quizzes, and advice.
- "The struggle of mental health": TED Talks by people with depression, schizophrenia, suicidal feelings, and other mental health concerns.
- Ulifeline: Includes mental health self-screening tests, how to help a friend, resources, and more for college students.
Resources on Specific Topics
Addictions (Substances & Behaviors)
- Adult Children of Alcoholics: A 12 Step program for adults who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes. Search on the website for local meetings.
- Al-Anon Family Groups: Also known as Al-Anon/Alateen. Helping families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with the problem drinking of a relative or friend. There are a number of weekly Al-Anon meetings and one weekly Alateen meeting in the Bay Area. Visit the website to search for meetings.
- Alcohol Screening: Free and anonymous alcohol use self-screening. Based on your results, the website provides personalized information, suggestions, and resources.
- Alcoholics Anonymous: A fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem of alcoholism; a 12 Step network with worldwide groups and meetings. For local meetings and information, visit the AA Intergroup of San Francisco & Marin page.
- All California Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous: An annual gathering in California to provide an opportunity for young members of Alcoholics Anonymous to come together and share their experience, strength, and hope.
- Blood Alcohol Calculator: A helpful tool to determine your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) and possible impacts of alcohol. (For transgender people who are not taking hormones, select your sex assigned at birth when using the app. If you are taking hormones, use the sex consistent with those hormones for the most accurate BAC estimate.)
- Helpful Tips: If you choose to drink, here are some steps you can take to reduce these negative consequences to keep drinking safe and fun, and have the college experience you hoped for.
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Provides publications, databases, fact sheets, and other resources related to alcohol use issues.
- The Other Bar: A confidential support network for California lawyers, judges, law students, and their families for help with alcoholism, drug abuse, and related personal problems. Includes a database of meetings, resource, a 24-hour information hotline, and more.
- Smart Recovery: A recovery network for people with substance use issues based on self-reliance rather than reliance on a higher power. Uses cognitive-behavioral science as a foundation. Search for local meetings for people with substance use issues, and meetings for friends and families.
Other Drugs
- Cocaine Anonymous: A 12 Step recovery program for cocaine addiction.
- Crystal Meth Anonymous: A 12 Step program for people who abuse crystal meth.
- Ecstasy (MDMA or “E”) Information: A website provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse outlines some basic information about this drug.
- Marijuana Anonymous: A 12 Step recovery program for marijuana addiction.
- Narcotics Anonymous: A fellowship of people for whom drugs have become a problem.
Gambling & Spending
- College Gambling - The National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG) recently launched, a website developed as a tool to help campus administrators, campus health professionals, students and parents address gambling and gambling-related harms on college campuses. The site includes the National Helpline.
- Debtors Anonymous - A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from compulsive debting.
Pornography & Sex
- - Link includes online anonymous self-assessment.
- TIME Magazine on Pornography Addiction-April 2016
- Culture Reframed - YouTube videos/talks on Pornography Addiction
- Ted Talk - Your Brain on Porn
- Fight the New Drug - Facts and Articles on pornography addiction
- Reboot Nation
- Brain Buddy
Smoking & Vaping
- About Smoking - Links to websites dedicated to providing information on quitting smoking, therapy as well as testimonials by people who have quit smoking and what helped them.
- Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) - A National Charitable Anti-smoking & Nonsmokers' Rights Organization with smoking statistics, quitting smoking, smoking risks, and other smoking information.
- American Cancer Society - provides help and assistance in matters regarding cancer survivors, supporters, and health information. Also provides information on resources and volunteer opportunities.
- American Heart Association - provides resources and links to leading a healthier life. Gives information on warning signs as well as the various health conditions that can occur.
- American Lung Association- provides information on lung disease as well as resources on volunteering and taking action in your community. Resources also cover local news on asthma, air quality, and diesel pollution, etc.
- CDC's Tobacco Information and Prevention Sources (TIPS) - Provides useful resources on preventing smoking, educational materials, as well as information on how to quit smoking.
- Health Promotion Services (HPS) Stop Smoking Resources: one-on-one with peer educators a some other free things as well, like Nicorette gum and lozenges and a free app called, Kwit.
- National Cancer Institute - Provides information on cancer research and funding, as well as discussion on cancer topics, and various statistics on cancer.
- SmokeFree.Gov - Provides links and resources on how to quit smoking. Has an online guide and provides the ability to talk to an expert who can help you to quit smoking.
- QuitNet - Launched in 1995, QuitNet is one of the web's original quit smoking sites. QuitNet operates in association with Boston University School of Public Health and is dedicated to the assistance of helping smokers to quit with a support from professionals and people who have quit smoking. The website provides community support for smokers with expert advice and statistics.
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA): Provides information, education, resources, and support for people with mood or anxiety disorders. Also engages in advocacy.
- Anxiety Network: Provides information about and self-help tools for managing anxiety.
- CAPS Anxiety Toolkit: Ten research-based strategies to help you manage and reduce anxiety.
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder: VeryWell Mind's page on Generalized Anxiety Disorder, providing information and tips for managing general anxiety.
- Managing Test Anxiety: A site provided by the University of Western Ontario on how to manage test anxiety.
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Trauma: VeryWell Mind's page on PTSD, providing information and tips for managing PTSD.
- Social Anxiety: VeryWell Mind's page on Social Anxiety Disorder, providing information and tips for managing social anxiety.
- College Athletes with Eating Disorders. An important site for athletes who have questions or may be at risk for eating issues.
- American Board of Sports Psychology - A national organization with information for athletes and sports psychologists.
- The Female Athlete Triad - A description of this disorder commonly found in physically active women who have a combination of disordered eating, lack of menstrual periods (amenorrhea), and bone weakening (osteoporosis).
- Student Athlete Mental Health Resources A consolidated list of many books, podcasts, journal articles, and more on student athlete mental health.
Attention Deficit Disorder & Learning Disabilities
- - A website filled with information, news, books, etc., on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
- - An online resource for women and girls with attention deficit disorder.
- CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is the nation's leading non-profit organization serving individuals with AD/HD and their families.
- LDOnline - A good resource including full text articles all about learning disabilities - for parents, teachers, and professionals.
- National Center for Learning Disabilities - A website with various resources about learning disabilities of all types.
Culture Shock
- Transfer Student Support - Being a transfer student can bring about unique issues and concerns, but also valuable experience and perspective. It is our hope that this article can help you navigate your transition and join the USF community.
Depression & Bipolar Disorder
- Depression Chat Room & Help Online -Free chat room and online support
- How to be friends with Someone who's Depressed-helpful article on supporting a friend who's depressed. What to say/not to say.
- Depression-This website has links to information and resources for all types of depressive disorders.
- How Psychotherapy Helps People Recover From Depression - Provided via the American Psychological Association’s website.
- Psych Central - Regularly maintained by Dr. John Grohol, this site is an annotated guide to the most useful websites, newsgroups, and mailing lists online today in mental health, psychology, social work, and psychiatry.
- Depression and Bipolar Alliance - A website for support, information and resources for depression and bipolar disorders.
Eating Disorders & Body Image
- Meditation to Help You Find Peace in Eating Disorder Recovery- Krista Erickson shares a centering, calming and grounding meditation. Take ten minutes out of your day today to tune inward and tune out anything is causing you stress.
- Adios Barbie - A body image site for every body…no matter what your size or background. Provides resources, personal stories, and interactive games that hope to inspire you to love your body through thick and thin!
- Compulsive Overexercising - This site incorporates information from the Women's National Health Information Center and provides information on how to determine if your exercise is healthy.
- The Academy for Eating Disorders - This is a multidisciplinary professional organization focusing on Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and related disorders.
- Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous. A program based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. There are no fees, dues, or weigh-ins at FA meetings. FA is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience and mutual support are, recovering from the disease of food addiction.
- - Specializes in information about eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating, plus related topics such as body image and obesity.
- Caringonline - For those with negative body image or Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating.
- Overeaters Anonymous - a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Information offered by the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. Established in 1980, the clearinghouse provides information about digestive diseases.
- Medline Plus- Eating Disorders Provides information relating to eating disorders, as well as resources for screening, treatment, and organizations.
- National Eating Disorders Association - Dedicated to eliminating eating disorders and body dissatisfaction (previously known as Eating Disorders and Awareness).
- Student Nutrition (and Body Image) Action Committee (SNAC) - This is a University of California, Los Angeles website created by professionals to help college students eat well, be active, and feel good about their bodies.
Gender & Sexual Orientation
- LYRIC- Lavender Youth Recreation Information Center provides programs and resources for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth, their families, and allies of all races, classes, genders, and abilities.
- National Youth Advocacy Coalition provides information, resources and ways to learn about legislation decisions, for and with young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) in an effort to end discrimination against these youth and to ensure their physical and emotional well being.
- PFLAG- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays - A volunteer organization with grass-roots affiliates. They provide resources, group membership, and education which seek to help change negative attitudes and to create an environment of understanding so that all gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans gendered people can live with dignity and respect.
Grief & Loss
- Actively Moving Forward (AMF) - a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting young adults grieving the illness or death of a loved one. The organization accomplishes its mission by creating Actively Moving Forward Campus Chapters on college campuses nationwide.
- AMF Facebook Group
- AMF Grief Video
- Grief resources on the USF campus.
Health & Wellness
- Awakenings - Simple Solutions for Life’s Problems.
- Centers for Disease Control - A website with information about medical and disease topics of all types.
- Center for Clinical Interventions - A website with information on psychotherapy, research, and training. Information (InfoPax) available for download on anxiety and/or depression, including a number of modules that you can complete online, or you can save the modules to your computer and work through them onscreen in your own time. Alternatively, you can print out the modules and work through them by hand.
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy Self-Help Resources - A website with free down-loadable therapy worksheets & CBT tools.
- Drug Information Database - Drug information provided via the American Academy of Family Physicians.
- Helpguide - Expert, non-commercial information about Mental Health & Lifelong Wellness.
- Mental Health Information & Support the largest consumer mental health site, providing comprehensive information on psychological disorders and psychiatric medications from both a consumer and expert point of view.
- National Center of Excellence in Women's Health UCSF Medical Center site providing comprehensive health care for women, as well as educating tomorrow’s health care providers about the principles of women’s health through professional education programs.
- Stop AIDS Project works to prevent HIV transmission in San Francisco through multicultural, community-based organizing, resources, special events, and fund raising.
- WebMD - Health related topics of all kinds.
Positive Psychology
- AuthenticHappiness.Org - Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment.
- How to Contend Being Your Own Harshest Critic - Have you ever done something you regret? Faced a difficult or painful experience? Made a mistake? Performed poorly on a test or presentation?.....With all of the external pressures imposed upon college students today, fielding the criticisms of a harsh internal voice provides an additional challenge. Learning to be more compassionate and kind toward one’s self may be a powerful tool.
Relationships, Bullying, & Abuse
- Am I in an Abusive Relationship? Warning Signs of abusive relationships and helpful resources.
- Co-Dependents Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.
- Myth Busting: Bullying on College Campuses - The topic of bullying often is associated with younger students, however, students in higher education, be they at the undergraduate or graduate level, are not immune to these behaviors.
- RAINN - the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization and was named one of "America's 100 Best Charities" by Worth magazine. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE and in partnership with more than 1,100 local rape crisis centers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.
- We Love Consent - USFtv Video Campaign - Informative video produced by USFtv on the importance of consent.
Suicide Prevention
Time Management
- Time Management Tips for College Students: A user-friendly website with tips about time management and personal planning for your days in college.
- Resources for vet, troops, and families from Ken Pope, Ph.D., ABPP
- Swords to Plowshares: A nonprofit providing services and resources to all veterans including crisis intervention, mental health assessments, treatment referrals, and case management