Understanding ChatGPT at USF

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI in 2022.  Based on artificial intelligence and large language models, ChaptGPT can be trained to follow instructions in a prompt and provide a detailed response.  It can be used to answer questions, perform different tasks, and generate content or code in a way that mimics human outputs. It has been quite controversial of its impact in academia in light of the integrity of students' works, thus we put together some resources to help you understand more about ChatGPT and to bring awareness of it as a tool in the future classroom.

  • Prepare students for future careers and the technology environment
  • Students acquire analytical skills through the process of reviewing, examining, and critiquing generated responses
  • Students develop critical thinking skills & digital literacy
  • Students learn to create well-crafted prompts (“prompts engineering”) for the best results
  • Educators can rethink the ways to design creative lesson plans and assignments
  • Educators can consider assessments that focus on reflective learning, personal experience, collaborative work, and process.
  • Ask ChatGPT a question, and evaluate how good the responses are. Learn to modify the prompt and examine the change in response.
  • Ask students to act as editors and subject experts, and critique ChatGPT-generated content
  • Ask students to create a bibliography fact-checking ChatGPT-generated work
  • Enter a large lengthy text as the prompt, and ask ChatGPT to synthesize the long document into PowerPoint presentation slides with headers and bullet points.
  • Use ChatGPT for translation in your language class, and have students discuss the room for improvements.
  • Try to use ChatGPT to debug incorrect codes to help students as a personal tutor.
  • Assign topics for students to debate with ChatGPT, and have students reflect on what they have learned.
  • Ask students to do peer reviews on each other's work.

UCLA The Use of Generative AI in Teaching and Education - Guidance to Instructors
Hypothes. is: "Leveraging Social Annotation in the Age of AI"