Student Conduct Code - Section 7.5 Conduct Meetings

In situations that are not resolved via informal resolutions during the Information Meeting or in instances of serious or repeated alleged violations, a conduct meeting will be scheduled with the respondent to determine the outcome of the alleged violation(s).

Group conduct meetings: When an incident involves allegations against more than one student or a student organization, the resolution staff member shall have the option of meeting with all students at one time. Any alleged student/student organization will have the right to have separate time during the conduct meeting to discuss their particular case with the resolution staff member without the other students being present.

The following procedures apply to conduct meetings: 

Notice of Conduct Meeting

The respondent shall be provided notification via email at least three (3) business days prior to the conduct meeting and is required to attend. The notification will include the date, time and location for the meeting as well as the conduct code provisions alleged to have been violated. The resolution staff member may reschedule the meeting when the respondent is able to demonstrate an appropriate cause for rescheduling. When a prompt review is necessary (including but not limited to the end of the semester, graduation, or where there is a substantial concern for the health, safety, or welfare of any person), the resolution staff member may require that the student attend a meeting sooner than the standard three (3) business day timeframe. 


Non Attendance 

If a student does not attend their scheduled conduct meeting, a decision will be made based on the available information. Outcome(s) in accordance with Section 8 will be assigned and a disciplinary hold will be placed on the student’s account until the outcome(s) are completed. Additionally, as a result of non-attendance, the student will forfeit their right to appeal the outcome.


Privacy of Conduct Meetings

The conduct meeting is closed to the public and only the respondent and the resolution staff member shall be present. 



Witnesses may be identified in the Incident Report or complaint, by the respondent or by other individuals involved in the investigation. Witnesses will be expected to participate in the investigation and shall provide information relevant to the incident in question. If a respondent or complainant identifies a witness(es), it is their responsibility to ensure the witness attends their meeting.


Incident Discussion

During the conduct meeting, the respondent will be asked to provide their summary of the incident. The resolution staff member and respondent will engage in a non-adversarial, candid, and developmental conversation of the incident based upon the respondent's statement and the details of the Incident Report(s) or complaint(s) filed. If applicable, information gathered from witnesses may also be used as part of the discussion.



The resolution staff member will consider pertinent reports, documents, images, copies of electronic communications and written and/or verbal statements as information for consideration.


Notification of Decision

The resolution staff member will communicate their decision of responsibility including outcomes via email within five (5) business days of the conduct meeting. The notification will also include information about the student’s right to appeal (see section 9 for more information).