School of Law Student Organizations
- Animal Legal Defense Fund University of San Francisco School of Law Student Chapter
- Asian Pacific American Law Student Association
- Black Law Student Association
- Business Law Association
- Civil Defense Law Student Association
- Criminal Law Society
- Compassionate Lawyering and Peer Support
- Disability Rights & Advocacy Law Student Association
- Environmental Law Students and Alumni Society
- Fashion Law Society
- Labor and Employment Law Student Association
- Latinx Law Student Association
- Law and Political Economy Society
- Middle Eastern & North African Law Students Association
- Music and Art Law Society
- National Lawyers Guild Student Chapter
- Pilipinx American Law Society
- Pride Law
- Privacy Law Association
- USF Prosecutor's Alliance
- Public Interest Law Foundation
- Sports and Entertainment Law Association
- Street Law Student Association
- Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
- Student Bar Association
- Student Immigration Law Association
- Students of Tax and Estate Planning Society
- South Asian Law Student Association
- Veterans Oriented Law Society
- Women's Law Association
Not Active
- American Constitution Society
- Family Law Society
- USF Federalist Society
- Food & Law Society
- If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice
- Ignatian Student Association
- Intellectual Property and Cyber Law Association
- International Cannabis Bar Association
- International Law Society
- Jewish Law Student Association
- Maritime Law Society
- Real Estate Law Society
- San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association Student Chapter
- Space and Aeronautical Law Student Association
- Technology, Entrepreneur and Start-Up Law Association
- USF Law Democrats
- USF Parents and Advocates Law Student Association
- Vietnamese American Law Society
- Youth Advocacy Association
Animal Legal Defense Fund University of San Francisco School of Law Student Chapter
The Animal Legal Defense Fund University of San Francisco School of Law Student Chapter is dedicated to providing a forum for education, advocacy, and scholarship aimed at protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system, and raising the profile of the field of animal law. The activities of the student chapter shall include, but not be limited to: hosting speakers, debates, and conferences on current issues in animal law; carrying out research projects for attorneys and organizations promoting animal protection; networking with students, legal professionals, and animal advocates; conducting educational events such as information tables and film screenings; volunteering at animal sanctuaries; participating in Animal Legal Defense Fund’s weeks of action; and advocating for plant-based (vegan) food at USF.
Asian Pacific American Law Student Association
USF's Asian Pacific American Law Student Association (APALSA) is a community service, academically, professionally and socially based law student organization dedicated to serving the Asian and Pacific Islander American community at USF and the APA community at large. As one of the largest and most visible law student organizations on campus, APALSA strives to be a meaningful resource for all USF law students. Throughout the year, APALSA seeks to promote a greater awareness and understanding of the issues and needs confronting Asian Pacific Americans and other historically disadvantaged communities, encourage its members to serve the social and legal needs of these communities, facilitate programs that connect students and the school to the Bay Area legal and professional community, and provide all students with academic and peer support.
Black Law Student Association
The Black Law Student Association (BLSA) is a student run organization at the University of San Francisco School of Law. Its purpose is to utilize collective resources to articulate and promote the educational, professional, political, and social needs of Black law students.
Business Law Association
The USF Business Law Association (BLA) was founded to help expand Business Law interest and educate students about the interrelationship between business and the law. The BLA consists of law students focused on a wide variety of goals from presenting distinguished speakers and panels to expanding cross registration and providing mentorship opportunities. The BLA also works with student groups at the USF Masagung Graduate School of Management to coordinate programs and expand the social and professional networks of USF Law and MBA students. BLA would love to hear from you. Pease e-mail BLA with any questions or ideas to help make the organization even greater.
Civil Defense Law Student Association
The mission of the Civil Defense Law Student Association (“CDLSA”) at the University of San Francisco School of Law is to encourage students to pursue careers in civil defense litigation, educate students on critical topics and skills in civil defense litigation, and to create networking opportunities with civil defense attorneys and the larger civil defense community. This organization specifically aims to support individuals which have been historically underrepresented in civil defense litigation by sharing the civil defense career and scholarship opportunities that are available specifically to these underrepresented groups.
Criminal Law Society
The Criminal Law Society's (CLS) goal is the pursuit of justice and the promotion of zealous advocacy in the field of criminal law. The focus of CLS is to host events that will inspire other students to pursue a career in the criminal field by giving them the opportunity to experience what a real criminal case is like and to hold panels where real District Attorneys and Public Defenders can discuss their experiences in the field of criminal law.
Compassionate Lawyering and Peer Support
C.L.A.P.S. aims to support students at U.S.F. Law by providing education and language, a safe place to seek help, and resources for coping with the ethical demands and vicarious traumatization of the practice and study of law at any level.
Disability Rights & Advocacy Law Student Association
Through an intersectional framework, DRALSA is dedicated to
providing a safe and inclusive community of peer support for students with all
types of disabilities, particularly students from historically marginalized groups
that have been disproportionately impacted, including: women, people of color,
immigrants, and the queer community. With a focus on empowerment, DRALSA
aims to facilitate access to campus disability resources and accommodations,
ensure individualized needs are being met (in school, internships, bar exam, etc.),
and promote disability rights and education.
Instagram: @dralsa_usflaw
Environmental Law Students and Alumni Society
The Environmental Law Students and Alumni Society (ELSAS) exists to enhance the law school experience by fostering the study and awareness of legal issues surrounding sustainability and the environment. Through our various networking opportunities, professional resources and referrals for clinical placements, ELSAS seeks to inspire, support, and train the next generation of environmental leaders. In addition, ELSAS works with other organizations on campus to promote sustainable events by educating student leaders and by setting event sustainability standards. In years past, ELSAS has hosted symposia that focused on pertinent environmental issues such as clean technology, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and water law. ELSAS members have actively participated in the annual water law symposium conducted by a diverse consortium of California law schools.
Fashion Law Society
Latinx Law Student Association
The Latinx Law Students Association (“LLSA”) is dedicated to empowering Latinx law students to become the next generation of attorneys that will strive to achieve progress for their community. Our organization was formerly known as the La Raza Law Students Association, but a name change took place to reflect our desire to remain as inclusive as possible for all Latinx-identifying students at the USF School of Law. Prior to our name change, this student organization has been active at the USF School of Law for over 20 years. During this time, our organization has promoted the School of Law's commitment to social justice and social equality through its active engagement in the San Francisco Bay Area community.
Latinx Law Students Association Website
Labor and Employment Law Student Association
LELSA is an inclusive student organization that explores all aspects of labor and employment law. With a focus on networking and preparing members to secure summer employment, internship and externship opportunities, and post-bar employment, LELSA collaborates with plaintiff's side, defense side, non-profit, government, and hybrid labor and employment law firms.
Middle Eastern and North African Law Student Association
The Middle Eastern Law Students Association (MELSA) is committed to promoting cultural awareness within the legal community and fostering professional development for Middle Eastern law students. As future members of the legal profession, the members of MELSA feel it is their responsibility to create an academic and professional environment that promotes tolerance and excellence. MELSA strives to fulfill this mission by working closely with faculty, staff, local attorneys and other student organizations. MELSA's primary mission is to unite all members of the Middle Eastern community and to host events where pressing legal issues affecting the Middle East and Middle Easterners around the world are raised.
Music Law Society
The purpose of the Music Law Society is to provide members with opportunities to learn about careers in music entertainment law.
The Music Law Society aims to expose students interested in music entertainment law to the gamut of current trends and issues within the field, focusing on building the foundation of practical knowledge and skills needed to excel in their respective careers and the industry in general. The group aspires to not only enhance law students familiarity with the intricacies of legal issues in the music industry, but also to provide networking and career-building opportunities not found anywhere else. This is achieved through alumni events, panel discussions with experienced professionals in the music industry, as well as mixers with other organizations and programs at USF.
The Music Law Society will organize activities designed to expose students to this existing area of law while allowing them to interact with other students and currently practicing attorneys that share similar interests.
National Lawyers Guild Student Chapter
Pilipino American Law Society
The Pilipino American Law Society is an organization that aims to increase awareness about Filipino Americans in the law. Our goal is to bring together law students, Filipino or not, and to ensure that we have a voice on campus. Most importantly, this organization aims to build long lasting relationships not only within the law school, but also with the greater Filipino American legal community through our involvement with FBANC (The Filipino Bar Association of Northern California).
Pride Law
Pride Law is a student-run organization at USF Law School dedicated to promoting equality and justice for the LGBTQIA+ community through the law. Our mission is to educate the community about issues specific to the LGBTQIA+ community in order to eradicate homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, and other affronts to the dignity of individual human beings. Furthermore, the organization is a mechanism by which LGBTQIA+ students, allies, and alumni can meet, network and work together to build a strong future for academic achievement, career placement and community involvement for all involved. Members may join regular Pride Law meetings, attend Pride Law social events, and partake in Pride Law run networking/alumni events.
Privacy Law Association
Privacy is a growing and novel area of law. The fact that enterprise companies such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and etc, in recent years have created positions, such as Privacy Counsel, in their organizations is indicative that privacy law is a stand-alone field of law. By starting a new organization dedicated to privacy law, we aim to bridge the gap for the growing opportunities in privacy law for USF law students.
USF Prosecutor's Alliance
Public Interest Law Foundation
The Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF) is a student-run organization whose goal is to enable students at the University of San Francisco School of Law to work in unpaid summer internships in the public interest/public sector and to provide support to help them pursue careers in the public interest/public sector upon graduation.
Sports and Entertainment Law Association
The Sports & Entertainment Law Association (SELA) seeks to provide members with opportunities to learn about careers within the sports and entertainment law realms. Throughout the year, SELA organizes guest speakers from both the local and national legal community with respect to the sports and entertainment industries. SELA works to make students aware of local and national ABA events concerning sports and entertainment law. SELA aims to provide academic, professional, and personal support for students, especially first year students, interested in sports and entertainment law at USF. By expanding access to sports and entertainment law, our goal is to give interested students the opportunity to pursue this exciting, but also extremely competitive, area of legal practice. SELA is devoted to providing students the necessary resources, guidance, and contacts that will fully prepare them to engage in contemporary legal topics and further pursue these interests in a future professional career.
Street Law Student Association
“We advance civic and law-related education to empower all people to positively transform their world.” - Street Law, Inc.
We are a youth-centered organization committed to bringing legal education to underserved high school students, youth clubs, non-profits, and local youth-centered organizations. We do this by creating weekly lessons that our teams assign to specific classes. This helps the youth we work with gain access to resources in law and mentorship from individuals in their local community. We aim to provide youth with legal knowledge that is relevant to their everyday lives to better equip them with skills to preserve their rights.
Student Immigration Law Association
The Student Immigration Law Association (SILA) is a student-run organization dedicated to the development and maintenance of future immigration law practitioners and advocates. SILA connects the University of San Francisco School of Law to the community by recruiting and organizing students to volunteer with community agencies that provide free and low-cost legal services for immigrants. SILA is dedicated to maintaining immigration-and immigrant rights-related dialogue on the USF School of Law campus and the greater Bay Area community.
Students of Tax and Estate Planning Society
The USF Students of Tax and Estate Planning Society's (STEPS) main purpose is as a student run networking club to connect students with alumni practitioners in the fields of estate planning and tax. WE have a strong alumni board and have continuously had a successful career panel and spring mixer as long as the club has been around. Our goals are to provide students with as many quality contacts in the field of their interest to grow the alumni base of practitioners willing to offer internships and jobs in these fields, as well as to provide students with a forum to raise any opportunities to grow in these fields, whether it be tax writing competitions, ABA or other group meetings/dinners, etc.
South Asian Law Student Association
The South Asian Law Student Association is an inclusive organization committed to the professional development of South Asian professionals within the legal community. Our mission is to educate others about the rich diversity of the South Asian community to promote tolerance within the overall legal community. Most importantly, this organization aims to foster a strong community within the law school as well as with the greater South Asian community.
Veterans Oriented Law Society
Women's Law Association
The Women's Law Association’s (WLA) ultimate goal is to create an inclusive community for the women at the University of San Francisco School of Law. The WLA seeks to foster an environment where women feel supported academically, professionally, and personally by their fellow members. USF’s WLA provides a variety of services and opportunities, including support for first-year students through a mentoring program, social, volunteer and networking events. The group functions as a space to engage in an informed conversation about gender specific issues in the legal field and in broader society. The WLA interacts with numerous women’s organizations, such as the Women Lawyers Committee and Ms. JD, to give students the opportunity to connect with legal professionals and explore career options. WLA members are encouraged to actively engage with the group and share their programming ideas, interests, and needs.