Instructional Design Archive of Workshops

Spring 2021: Beyond the Basics Series

USF's Instructional Design team presents Beyond the Basics, our ongoing peer-interactive workshop series, targeting improved strategies for remote instruction.

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Instructor looking at a cameraNext Level Video Lectures

In this workshop, we will go beyond the basics to explore ways to enhance your recorded lectures, considering structure and visual design as well as how to include accountability for students. We will also look at options to streamline lecture development and recording.

  • Facilitator: Mishiara Baker

Person attending a video meetingSupercharge Learning in Breakout Groups

Did you use breakout rooms in fall semester but found as you bounced around that students weren’t always having the meaningful interactions you’d hoped for? In this workshop, we’ll go beyond the basics of breakout rooms to explore and design small group activities that will result in more meaningful interactions among students and deeper interaction with your course content.

  • Facilitator: Angie Portacio

Male student working on a laptopBalancing Sync & Async Course Components

Integrating asynchronous activities enriches a remote course and gives instructors and students a break from Zoom, but what mix is best? In this workshop, we'll go beyond the basics to discover how to strategically identify opportunities to adapt course content to asynchronous delivery and connect your sync and async components together to strengthen your course.

  • Facilitator: Jill Ballard

Fall 2020: Wisdom of Another Series

The Fall 2020 Wisdom of Another Remote Instruction Workshop Series combines research-informed course design best practices with the real world experiences of USF part-time and full-time faculty members. 

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In each workshop, USF faculty colleagues and a member of the Instructional Design team will introduce a remote instruction strategy and its basic principles. The faculty member will share how they’ve used the strategy in their remote classroom and how it has changed their teaching. The workshop will then segue into an activity developed around the technique for participants, open for Q&A and close with a guided reflection on how you can apply the technique in your course. 

Jill Ballard and Danny DominguezSustaining Community Through the Screen

Within the remote learning environment, sustaining community is important to successful student learning—and an ongoing process. Join Daniela Domínguez, assistant professor in the Master in Marriage & Family Therapy program, and instructional designer Jill Ballard to explore strategies for strengthening course community in synchronous class meetings and the benefits to students overall.


Creating recorded lectures for your remote course provides you and your students with increased flexibility around when learning occurs, and frees up synchronous class time for more group discussion and other active learning activities. Join John Zarobell, associate professor and department chair of International Studies, and multimedia developer Mishiara Baker to explore strategies and best practices for recording your own lectures.


Many instructors struggle with achieving the level of interactivity and quality of posts they hope for when using online discussion boards for the first time. With a little bit of know-how, however, discussion boards can increase class engagement, deepen relationships, and bring out voices not otherwise heard in live class discussions. Join Omar Miranda, assistant professor of English, and senior instructional designer Angie Portacio to explore strategies to maximize the potential of your online discussion boards and ensure high quality interactions using Canvas and Piazza.


Finding opportunities to give immediate formative feedback can significantly increase student engagement and learning. Join Rick Roberts, instructor of Music and Rhetoric & Language, and instructional designer Jill Ballard to discover how integrating polling into your course can provide a range of time and relevant feedback, benefitting both students and instructors.

Leigh Meredith and Mishiara BakerGROUP MULTIMEDIA PROJECTS

The collaborative creation of websites, videos, or podcasts energizes students and helps them build connection with one another as well as course content as they create a tangible, dynamic, and pleasing media piece to evidence their learning. Some of the burden is lifted off of faculty as they strive to make the remote learning experience interactive and creative. Join Leigh Meredith, assistant professor of Rhetoric & Language, and multimedia developer Mishiara Baker to explore opportunities for the design and facilitation of brief or extended multimedia group projects in your courses.

Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 Faculty Course Design Foundations Workshop Series

USF's Instructional Design team is offering workshops on course design and pedagogical best practices.

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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.

In this workshop, you will learn about the history and research behind Universal Design for Learning, and explore different UDL principles and techniques to incorporate into your course content, activities, and engagement with students.

  • Facilitator: Angie Portacio


Research has shown that students become more motivated and achieve higher learning when courses are well designed and learning goals are clear and integrated throughout a course.

In this first of two workshops on course design essentials, we will review the basics of course design planning and organization, explore options for course delivery (i.e. technology-enhanced and flipped learning), and work through strategies for content selection and delivery (multimedia, videos, readings, etc) to strengthen your course and increase student engagement.

  • Facilitator: Jill Ballard


Prerequisite: Course Design One

In this second of two workshops on course design essentials, we will focus on the strategic connections between course activities and assessments, to align with course learning objectives. A variety of engaging activities will be presented, along with options for formative and summative assessments.

  • Facilitator: Jill Ballard


Make your course content come alive with impactful media learning components.

In this workshop, we’ll evaluate media options and work together to develop a media strategy for your course while looking at a range of multimedia options including podcasts, screencasts, slide presentation lectures, video conferencing and recorded video.

  • Facilitator: Mishiara Baker

Spring 2019 Spark Joy Workshop Series

In harmony with Marie Kondo’s work, positively impacting our homes with decluttering and organizing, the Instructional Design team is offering four spring workshops to help you discover how to “Spark Joy” in your courses.

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Course Changing Magic for Access Equity

Intentionally arrange your course content using concepts from Universal Design for Learning and digital accessibility to provide different ways for your students to access your course content to increase student learning and understanding. We will delve into your Canvas course to apply concepts based on accessibility principles to create equal access for all your students.

  • Facilitator: Angie Portacio

Igniting Student Engagement Through Online Activities

Explore online opportunities to extend an assignment, increasing student engagement and encouraging active learning throughout. A range of technologies will be discussed including Canvas functions, Google Docs, and Poll Everywhere.  

  • Facilitator: Jill Ballard

Sparking Joy with Course Multimedia

Make your course content sparkle with video and multimedia components, and develop a strategy for your course media. A range of multimedia options for different types of content will be discussed including podcasts, screencasts, slide presentation lectures and video. 

  • Facilitator: Mishiara Baker

Invoking Solutions—a Peer-to-Peer Card Game to Discover Purposeful Learning Activities 

Play a fun peer-to-peer card game to spark ideas for strategic and creative active learning-based activities linked to your learning outcomes—everyone’s a winner at this game. 

  • Facilitators: Angie Portacio and Jill Ballard