Learning Spaces On Campus

All general inventory classrooms at USF offer connectivity to a projector or LCD display and amplified audio. Select classrooms are also equipped with flexible furniture, can record lectures automatically, and can accommodate HyFlex instruction. The equipment available in our classrooms is listed below.

Classrooms on the Hilltop

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Includes all standard presentation technology. View this interactive table in a new window

Includes all standard presentation technology and adds flexible student furniture to support active learning pedagogies. View this interactive table in a new window

Includes all standard presentation technology and offers support for HyFlex instruction with instructor- and student-facing cameras and ceiling-mounted microphones. View this interactive table in a new window

To learn more about USF's HyFlex-equipped classrooms: Visit the HyFlex Classrooms webpage

Includes all standard presentation technology and offers the capability to record lectures automatically with an instructor-facing camera and microphones. View this interactive table in a new window

To learn more about lecture capture technologies and to request a reservation: Visit Record Classroom Lectures

Includes all standard presentation technology, and adds flexible student furniture and LCD displays for student breakout workgroups to accommodate technology-enhanced active learning pedagogies. View this interactive table in a new window

Includes all standard presentation technology and adds desktop or mobile student workstations. View this interactive table in a new window

Classrooms at Additional Campuses and Locations

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Includes all standard presentation technology. Select classrooms are equipped with automated lecture capture capabilities and can accommodate HyFlex instruction. View this interactive table in a new window

Includes all standard presentation equipment. 

View this interactive table in a new window

Includes all standard presentation equipment.

View this interactive table in a new window