Working Group 5

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  • Karin Cotterman, Director of Engage San Francisco Initiative, Leo T. McCarthy Center
  • Rhonda Magee, Professor, School of Law


  • Jill Ballard, Instructional Designer, Information Technology Services   
  • Sarah M. Camhi, Associate Professor of Kinesiology, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Kevin Collymore, Assistant Dean of Retention and Persistence Programs, Center for Academic and Student Achievement
  • Monica Doblado, Program Manager, Honors College, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Kimberly Garrett, Program Assistant and PA Lead, College of Arts and Sciences 
  • Donal Godfrey, University Chaplain and Associate Director for Faculty and Staff Spirituality, University Ministry
  • Michelle Henderson, Data and Integrations Manager, Information Technology Services
  • Ingrid McVanner, Assistant Vice Provost, Enrollment Data Management, Strategic Enrollment Management
  • Annie Pho, Head of Instruction and Outreach, Gleeson Library
  • Brittany Sanguma, Clinical Placement Coordinator, School of Nursing and Health Professions
  • Julia Thompson, Assistant Professor of Engineering and Director of Engineering Partnerships, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Melissa Thompson, Associate Director of Research and Assessment, and President, Staff Council 
  • Ken Yoshioka, Senior Instructional Technologist, Information Technology Services
  • Christine Young, Associate Professor, Performing Arts and Social Justice, College of Arts and Sciences

SPAC Ambassadors:

The Working Group on Equitable and Extraordinary Place to Work (WGEEW) is a widely-representative group tasked with the implementation and assessment of initiatives that will enhance equity, employee engagement, professional development, and other enrichment experiences for employees at USF. The group will reach out across the USF community to hold dialogue, develop ideas, and create a structure that supports continuous improvement in the areas of equity, employee engagement, and development. The working group will provide periodic feedback on its progress to the Strategic Planning Advisory Council and submit its final report and recommendations to the Council to be integrated into the broader strategic plan implementation process. 

Goal 5

ENSURE USF IS AN EQUITABLE AND EXTRAORDINARY PLACE TO WORK through developing an agile, highly-motivated, collaborative, and growth-oriented workforce.

Objectives Actions
1. Co-create a comprehensive and mission-centered employee engagement and enrichment program that institutes concrete practices to support the formation, development, success, and retention of faculty, librarians, staff, and administrators.
  1. Establish a broadly representative employee Engagement and Enrichment Council (EEC) to develop and maintain a USF mission-centered model for employee engagement and development, and a related implementation plan.
  2. Leverage the capabilities of our human capital management system and other technologies to support employee engagement, development, and belonging through product solutions, data analytics, and metrics to drive informed planning and improvement.
  3. Examine and address the unique needs and challenges facing part-time faculty, librarians, and staff.
2. Provide ongoing leadership and management training for faculty, librarians, staff, and administrators at all levels for growth and advancement, and support a culture of collaborative, transparent, and values-centered leadership.
  1. In concert with the Engagement and Enrichment Council (EEC), develop varied training opportunities for current employees on leadership, conflict resolution, effective management practices, and career advancement strategies.
3. Advance strategies to foster the belonging and retention of diverse staff, faculty, and librarians, especially BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Plus), women, and caregivers.
  1. Develop and implement a comprehensive, data-informed university-wide plan to advance antiracism, equity, and inclusion across all university units.
  2. Ensure that the onboarding, formation, and professional development experiences for all employees deepens understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity and intersectionality, and the development of social justice and anti-racism knowledge and skills.
  3. Develop consistent orientation and training templates on diversity and equity for employee recruitment and hiring processes used by hiring managers and search committees.
4. Reimagine and implement contemporary and adaptive work practices to increase equity and employee effectiveness, engagement, and well-being.
  1. Evaluate how current work practices (e.g., remote work, job sharing, flex time) have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to determine which practices improve employee satisfaction and performance, and extend those practices.
  2. In collaboration with the Engagement and Enrichment Council (EEC), examine best practices and emerging trends for effective and healthy work practices at comparator universities.
  3. Develop a program to pilot new and equitable strategies for work at USF with the goal of rapidly gathering data about their effectiveness and expanding implementation of strategies proven to be effective.
5. Extend cura personalis by fostering holistic wellness and the mental and spiritual health of USF and surrounding communities, with special attention to the needs of those impacted by injustice.
  1. Revive and expand USF clinic facilities to provide holistic mental health services to local communities, and create opportunities for learning and community service for USF faculty and students.
  2. Address the intersections of well-being with racial, gender, and economic injustice via a center focused on holistic mental health wellness and social justice that champions research, community service, learning opportunities, and related initiatives.
  3. Provide training for students, faculty, librarians, staff, alumni, and community partners focused on timely mental and spiritual health topics (e.g., trauma, anxiety, depression, substance use).
  4. Design and administer a survey to assess the prevalence of mental health and substance use concerns at USF and in surrounding communities, using results to develop a holistic mental health and social justice action plan.
  5. Develop and offer professional development opportunities for faculty, librarians, staff, alumni, and community partners on restorative justice, just culture, and trauma-informed approach.