Joint University-Wide Curriculum Committee


The Joint University-Wide Curriculum Committee (JUCC) reviews and advises the provost on curriculum proposals, policies, and processes that affect more than one college or school, as well as university-wide policy proposals and processes that have implications for the structure or delivery of curriculum. The JUCC reviews proposals for the provost regarding academic programs at the beginning and end stages. The JUCC also facilitates campus-wide conversations regarding curriculum change and innovation. All actions by the JUCC are recommendations to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost.

Definitions & Guidelines for Instructional Modalities

By-Laws of the Joint University-Wide Curriculum Committee

JUCC By-Laws


The JUCC membership includes twenty-four (24) voting representatives. 

Meetings and Minutes

The JUCC meetings are open to the USF community. 


Please contact Katie Hoffman, Committee Administrative Support