Advising Resources

Please see below for information on:

New Student Orientation

View a recap of the new Psychology student orientation slideshow.


Group Advising

Note: Group advising is not peer advising.

Group Advising typically occurs two to three weeks before the beginning of the registration period. These sessions are mandatory for psychology students who have not completed the foundational courses and are meant to help you check if you are taking the classes you need to, both for the Core and the major, and for any other programs of study you want to accomplish while at USF, such as study abroad or minor programs. 

You will have an advising hold if you will not have completed the following foundational courses by the end of the current semester:

PSYC 101: General Psychology 

RHET 203: Writing in Psychology

PSYC 260: Psychological Statistics

PSYC 265: Research Design

PSYC 270: Biological Psychology

To clear your advising hold and register for next semester classes: 

  • Attend an entire group advising session or view the recording once all live group advising sessions have passed
  • Pass the quiz at the end of the session with a grade of 4 or higher

Advising holds are automatically placed on freshmen and sophomores. This may cause some students to receive an advising hold even if they have already completed the foundational courses. If this happens, email and we will remove your hold.

Note: Advising holds are removed manually. Please allow 1-2 business days for your advising hold to be removed once you have passed the quiz.

Peer Advising

Our peer advisers are psychology students who have academically strong backgrounds and who are nearing degree completion. If you have general questions about the program, are switching your major to psychology, need help drafting and organizing your four-year plan, or would like some guidance and insight from fellow psychology majors, our peer advisers are available to help.

Schedule your appointment with a peer adviser:

Peer Advising Appointments with Eleanna Vidal

Peer Advising Appointments with Jalyn Correia

Peer Advising Appointments with Katie Inthavong

Peer Advising sessions take place virtually or in person. If you are canceling a scheduled appointment, email the peer advisor with at least a 24-hour notice.

Eleanna Vidal:

Jalyn Correia:

Katie Inthavong:

Faculty Advising


You will be assigned a faculty adviser when you enter the Psychology program. While faculty advisers can answer questions about the Psychology major and help verify your planned curriculum track, faculty advising is also a great place to discuss your career planning. There are many possible career paths for Psychology majors.  We strongly recommend that you see your faculty adviser (and visit Career Services) early during your time at USF to help you prepare for your future after USF.

If you want to discuss academic planning or your curriculum track with your faculty adviser, please come prepared with a draft of your 4-year plan. Contact a peer adviser if you need help with this.

You may contact your faculty adviser by email to set-up a Zoom appointment or you may drop in during Office Hours.

Visit your myUSF dashboard to find your faculty adviser:

  1. Select Student Self-Service
  2. Select “Student” tab
  3. Select “Registration”
  4. Select “Registration Status & Adviser Information”

If you were not assigned a faculty adviser, contact the program assistant at to have one assigned.

CASA - Academic Success Coach

In addition to a faculty adviser in the major, all incoming students are assigned a success coach in CASA. The success coach will offer students personalized support from orientation to graduation, while encouraging students to meet their goals, explore their options, and fulfill their potential. They also work closely with faculty and staff to engage in academic interventions, ensuring our students have proper support in place to stay on track to complete their degree.

Please note: Your Academic Success Coach cannot remove your advising hold nor can they sign your Add/Drop form as your adviser.