Registration FAQs

Why am I blocked from registering for a psychology course? What do I do if I am blocked?

First, check to see if you have any existing holds on your account. If you have an Advising Hold, you will not be allowed to register and must attend Group Advising to remove it. If you do not have any holds on your account, you may be blocked from registering for specific classes because you do not have the appropriate prerequisites or you are already registered in a course that has a direct time conflict. 

I received approval to substitute my transfer course to fulfill a course in the psychology program. The course I substituted serves as a prerequisite for a course I am trying to register for. I cannot get into the class because I am receiving a prerequisite error --  what do I do?

When you register for a course, the system will read your transcript for the prerequisite. When your substitution request is approved, the substitution is noted in your degree evaluation instead. While you have fulfilled your prerequisite, the system will not be able to recognize the note made in your degree evaluation, prompting the prerequisite error. To register for the course, you must submit a hard-copy Add/Drop form (signed by the instructor and your advisor) to CASA (UC 3rd Floor).

Why am I receiving a “Reserve Closed” error message when I attempt to register for a course?

Reserves are placed on certain psychology courses such as PSYC 101 and PSYC 260. This means that a specified number of seats in a course are reserved for Psychology majors and non-Psychology majors. If you attempted to enroll in a course and you received a Reserve Closed error message, this means that the maximum capacity for your designated group (p sych or non-psych major) has been reached. Reserves are typically released a few months after registration to allow first year psychology students time to enroll in their foundational courses.

I am in the process of switching my major to psychology. To catch up on the program requirements, are there any other courses I can take while I complete PSYC 101 General Psychology?

The only other course you may take while you complete General Psychology is PSYC 260: Psychological Statistics. Please Note: If you do not complete PSYC 101: General Psychology with a C grade or higher, you will not be admitted into the program.