Pass (P) Grade Option Policy for Spring 2020
As you may know, given the very unusual circumstances this semester, USF has endorsed a Pass (P) Grade Option for Spring 2020 in place of letter grades for many courses. Some of you may have questions for how this will impact you as a psychology major.
The Department of Psychology recognizes that we are living in challenging times and are supportive of your physical and mental well-being as well as your education and preparedness for future success.
As a psychology major, students will have the option to choose the official Pass (P) Grade Option for Spring 2020 after grades are posted as per University guidelines. We understand that students may not wish to have the current semester grade impact their overall GPA. However, please note that whether you choose Pass (P) Grade Option or a grade, all psychology majors will still need to earn a C or higher in their Psychology Foundational courses (see below) in order to advance in the major. This is how it will work:
You have the option to have the official transcript post a Pass (P) Grade Option for all psychology courses, including Foundational courses.
After faculty report letter grades we will review them for the following courses:
PSYC 101: General Psychology
PSYC 260: Psychological Statistics
PSYC 265: Research Design
PSYC 270: Biological Psychology
RHET 203: Writing in Psychology
If you earned a C- or lower in one of these classes – whether or not you have opted to replace the letter grade with a P – you will need to retake that course before you may take courses that require it as a prerequisite and to complete the major.
Psychology faculty want to recognize the challenges faced by all of us in this semester, but also need to ensure that you have gained the minimum knowledge needed to be successful in the rest of the major. This policy gives increased flexibility in grades received for non-foundational courses (e.g., breadths, electives, psychology diversity, and ARM/ART courses) while still requiring that you obtain the minimum knowledge needed from the foundational courses to be successful in the psychology major.
Please contact your psychology faculty adviser if you have questions about this policy.