ASUSF Senate Meetings

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January 29th- Meeting Minutes 

After approval of the minutes and agenda, the vote on the resolution was tabled to next week’s meeting. During new business, financial accounts for Mansae, AA-Pre Law, and Latine NSA were approved. The second half of the meeting included beginning of the semester training and signups for on campus events. 

February 5th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the agenda and minutes, the Senate voted on preferences for guest speakers this semester. Open forum discussions included ongoing projects and the presentation of the Presidential Leadership Profile. After additional training and announcements, the meeting was adjourned. 

February 12th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the minutes and agenda, an outreach training was held to review best practices. This was followed by open forum and a goal setting session for the semester. Preparations were made for next week’s guest speaker and the meeting was adjourned. 

February 19th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the minutes and agenda, REPS and Title IX interns presented on their department and current projects. This was followed by a brief Q & A session and marketing strategy discussions. In open forum, event updates were shared and the team voted on products for Earth Week. First generation stoles for graduation were ordered and will arrive in time for the Spring 2025 graduation. The meeting was adjourned after announcements and reminders. 

February 26th

There were no meeting minutes taken due to an absence of quorum. 

March 5th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the minutes and agenda, senators provided updates on their current projects and initiatives. The Menstrual Product Equity Resolution presented their updates and amendments which will be voted on at the following meeting. Financial accounts for PERIOD and the Analytics club were approved and in open forum senators shared updates regarding plans for Sexual Assault Awareness Week and continued efforts with Bon Appétit to increase food quality and accessibility. After announcing the February senators of the month and announcements, the meeting was adjourned. 

August 28th- Meeting Minutes

After approving the agenda, new senators took their oaths during the induction ceremony. The Senate structure was outlined, including the use of Robert's Rules of Order and committee descriptions. Co-advisors Marci and Richie provided an overview of SLE and its resources which was then followed by a short Q and A session. During open forum, senators voiced concerns raised by their constituencies which mainly concerned post matriculation scholarships for students, the ability to transfer community college credits to USF, and questions regarding staff changes in the new school year. 

September 4th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the agenda and last week’s minutes, the meeting began with guest speaker Shannon Gary, Dean of Students. Dean Gary’s presentation addressed concerns regarding retention strategies, student protest guidelines, and affordability for students in the future which was then followed by a Q and A session. New business included approval of a financial account for a student organization and the candidates for Freshmen class representative provided a short introduction. 

September 11th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the agenda and last week’s minutes, guest speakers Sabrina Kwist and Johnathan D. Greenberg presented on the USF FORWARD initiative to promote productive dialogue between students and administration. This was followed by a Q and A session and open forum to discuss current progress senators are making. The ASUSF president provided an update on the Board of Trustees meeting that was held recently. Senators were tasked with gathering information from their constituents about the mascot in preparation for the Mascot Working Group that is scheduled to attend the General Senate meeting. 

September 18th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the agenda and last week’s minutes, guest speaker USFVotes spoke about the upcoming election. Topics included how to vote on campus, ways to vote in your home state’s election, and resources to stay informed this election season. 3 financial accounts and 3 event funding requests were approved. The meeting concluded after an overview of mascot findings in preparation the working group's attendance. 

September 25th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the agenda and last week’s minutes,  the elected Freshman Class Representative was introduced and welcomed. Alex Hoffman from Career Services presented an overview of the department and internship data that has been collected. An emphasis was placed on using Career Services as a resource for finding internships and how alumni have performed professionally. After Q and A, a conference event request was approved and funded. The meeting concluded after final preparations for the mascot working group were completed. 

October 2nd- Meeting Minutes

After the approval of the agenda and last week’s minutes, guest speakers Shawn Calhoun and Ellen Ryder presented updates on behalf of the mascot Working Group. An in depth Q and A session followed where questions regarding student involvement in the group, outreach methods, and future focus groups were raised. Following the guest speakers, a financial account was approved and a reminder was provided about Fall Town Hall next Wednesday. 

October 9th- Meeting Minutes

The event began with an opening statement, land recognition statement, the ASUSF Mission was reviewed, and overall expectations were shared. The Board of Trustees members were introduced which included Academic Affairs, Athletic Oversight, Development, Finance, Information Technology Strategy, Investment, Strategic Marketing and Communications, Physical Facilities, and University Life. After three twenty minute sessions with the representatives, a closing statement was shared and the event concluded. 

Fall Town Hall Summary

October 16th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the agenda and last week’s minutes Opinder Bawa, Vice President and Chief Information Officer of Information and Technology Services presented a general overview of the ITS department. This was followed by a brief Q and A session that included the transition from USF Wireless to USF Connect, potential updates to the printing system campus wide, and student input on potential AI initiatives. This was followed by open forum and the recognition of September’s senator of the month, Pre-Health Representative Emiko Uohara. A financial account was approved and announcements were shared followed by the adjourning of the meeting. 

October 23rd- Meeting Minutes

After approval of last week’s minutes and the agenda, an event funding request was approved. A brief session on email etiquette was held and the meeting concluded with open forum and announcements. 

October 30th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the agenda, Erin Echols, Interim Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement & Director of the Cultural Centers presented on the SE (Student Engagement) Unit. The presentation was followed by a Q & A session and the meeting ended without adjournment due to the absence of quorum. 

November 6th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the agenda and two previous minutes, the Fall Town Hall Summary was approved during new business. SMP (semester mobilization pitches) were presented by the Gender and Sexuality Representative, Junior Class Representative, Latine Student Representative, Pre-Health Student Representative, and the Student of Color Representative. After brief announcements, the meeting was adjourned. 

November 13th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the agenda and last week’s minutes, Senator of the Month Christian Faison was recognized. The Presidential Search Committee will be holding a listening session on November 19th. All committee codes were introduced and will be voted on during the next meeting. The Title IX Representative, Asian American Representative, Freshman Class Representative, First Generation Representative, Students with Disabilities Representative, and the Sophomore Class Representative presented their SMPs. Following announcements and open forum, the meeting was adjourned. 

November 20th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the agenda and last week’s minutes, title changes for the Gender and Sexual Diversity Representative and Students with Disabilities Representative positions were presented. The recommendation to create a Sustainability Representative position was also introduced. Three of the four committee codes were voted on with Advocacy Committee being tabled to next week. The School of Nursing and Health Professions Representative, Senior Class Representative, College of Arts and Sciences Representative, International Student Representative, School of Management Representative, UBAC Representatives, and the Transfer Student Representative presented their SMPs. After announcements and open forum, the meeting was adjourned. 

December 4th- Meeting Minutes

After approval of the agenda and last week’s minutes, a resolution was presented to the Senate. It will be voted on at the next meeting and an event funding request was approved. Both title changes were approved with one abstention and the Sustainability representative recommendation was approved. Congratulations to Elena Jimenez, the November Senator of the month. Following announcements, the meeting was adjourned. 






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Due to website issues, currently the Fall Meeting Highlights are unavailable for viewing. 

  • January 31st: On the first meeting of the Spring semester, ASUSF Senate welcomed four new members to the Senate: UBAC Representative Chibuike Nkemere, First Generation Student Representatives Jacob Nieves and Litzell Reyes, Greek Life Student Representative Olivia Hershman, and Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Ren Collins. VPIA Kiannah-Nicole gave renovation updates around the residential hall in Gillson, such as replacing hallway lighting, completing the kitchen and basement lounge renovation, and campus-wide renovations. Senate then approved three new financial accounts and transitioned into 'Team Time,' which is dedicated to collaboration efforts between Senators. January 31st Agenda | January 31st Minutes
  • February 7th: The Senate welcomed two more members this week, Senior Class Representative Angelo Resayo and Pre-Health Student Representative Emiko Uohara. Senator Metzli is working on a resolution that allows for the 'Burning of Indigenous Medicinal Herbs and Medicine.' Metzli plans to hold workshops and work with PSAFE and the administration to educate on indigenous medicines and medical burning processes. Senate is holding a Mini Town Hall session, the topic of which is the Department of Counseling and Psychological Services. The Senate ended the meeting by discussing the Core Curriculum Committee's progress and providing feedback on some of the ideas and projects they have been working on. February 7th Agenda | February 7th Minutes
  • February 14th: This week, Senator Natalie announced her progress working with Heather Hickman Holland and Torry Brouillard-Bruce of Student Housing and their plans to collaborate this semester. Senator Mar Ruiz discussed a new project that will be implemented on Instagram called 'Hilltop Headlines.' The 45-second video focuses on the latest updates that the Senate has for the student body. VPMC Aderet announced that they had a producing meeting with the University Council Community Committee, made great connections with such people as Mario Pereza, Vice President for Campaign and Engagement, and offered to help Senators interested in partnering with off-campus partners on different events. Senate ended the meeting with a team bonding activity. February 14th Agenda | February 14th Minutes
  • February 21st: This week, VMPC Ren Collins and Senator Mar presented how Senators can achieve the best results for Student Outreach. Two financial accounts were approved, and later in the meeting, two resolutions, "Divestment from Occupation Companies" and "Indigenous Freedom of Prayer," were presented. February 21st Agenda | February 21st Minutes
  • February 28th: The two resolutions presented last week, "Divestment from Occupation Companies" and "Indigenous Freedom of Prayer," were voted on and approved. Metzli Lemus was named Senator of the Month. February 28th Agenda | February 28th Minutes
  • March 6th: The executive team gave updates on their committees and projects they've been up to. Senators gave Spring Mobilization Pitch Presentations or projects they are working on this semester to complete. The meeting ended with the Core Curriculum Review Committee giving updates on their progress. March 6th Agenda | March 6th Minutes
  • March 13th: Spring Break 
  • March 20th: The Senate did not meet a quorum this week. Therefore, formal minutes were not taken. March 20th Agenda |
  • March 27th: Senators NyAshia and Christian Faison presented their Black Resource Center. Three financial accounts were approved: RPM Club, Board Club: Nova, and SFFC Underground. Senators gave their team updates regarding projects they've been working on. The meeting ended with the Senate discussing possible Commuter Student Lockers for the student body. March 27th Agenda | March 27th Minutes
  • April 4th: Senators gave their team updates, including Senator Olivia, who shared an update for their SMP, "Free Cooking Classes for USF"; that with the cooking classes held next year, students will be able to use their Flexi to purchase "goodie bags" which have cooking utensils student can purchase. The Black Student Resource Center Resolution was approved. Senator Angelo gave his presentation on updates regarding the Senior Class Committee. Senator Emiko was awarded Senator of the Month, and Senate ended the meeting with Spring Town Hall Outreach. April 4th Agenda | April 4th Minutes
  • April 10th: ASUSF hosted their Spring Town Hall on "Demystifying Tuition Costs."
  • April 17th: The Senate hears from Liz Miles, Travis Schneider, Philip Perlin, and Dan Keney from the Institutional Master Plan in order to learn more about the strategic plans USF has in place. Some of the issues they are trying to address is campus populations, updating current facilities, such as looking into larger construction projects, new parking, and change of use in buildings. Senators learned about a potential five-year and ten-year plan, which includes placing residential windows in on-campus dorms, renovating the Gleeson Foundation, and expanding Lone Mountain Mains' front green space. April 17th Agenda | April 17th Minutes
  • April 24th: Senate approved two financial accounts, the National Organization of Minority Architecture Students and Kesem San Francisco. Olivia presented her SMP on Free Cooking Classes for USF students. Senate spent the second half of the senate meeting at ASUSF x Title IX REPS "Dating and Donuts." April 24th Agenda | April 24th Minutes


January | February | March

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  • Starting the year strong, the ASUSF Senate dove into new business. The team welcomed Lester Deanes, Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement, to speak about student success at the university and engage in discussion regarding future programs to help ensure student success. VPIA Anayat also gave Senators an overview on upcoming speakers and events. February 1 Agenda | February 1 Minutes
  • This week the team welcomed Senior Vice Provost for Curricular Innovation and Inclusive Excellence, Shirley McGuire, as a guest speaker. She spoke about the current attendance policy and the different teaching modalities USF has been exploring since the pandemic. ASUSF Senate also planned the upcoming weeks marketing strategies for the Student Activity Fee Referendum. February 8 Agenda | February 8 Minutes 
  • The ASUSF Senate team welcomed Garrett O'Doherty, Director of Events Management and Guest Services and Crystal Chun Wong, Resident District Manager of Bon Appetit. Discussion was focused on the current available flexi plans, hurdles Bon Appetit has been facing since the pandemic, and student concerns regarding the food services on campus. Senators Teruya and Mak also presented their senator reports and updated the team on what they have been working on. February 15 Agenda | February 15 Minutes 
  • This week the Senate welcomed Forrest Cameron as the new Off Campus Living Senator. Then the team went around and shared what they were working on so senators could collaborate with each other. Senator Mak presented his Green Investment Resolution and Senator Cameron presented his Board of Trustees Transparency Resolution to the Senate for feedback. February 22 Agenda | February 22 Minutes
  • This week the team engaged in discussion with our guest speaker, Sabrina Kwist, the Associate Vice Provost of Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ADEI). She gave an overview of the ADEI initiatives and goals while also listening to what issues senators had heard from their constituency groups. Senator Wanda Quan was awarded Senator of the month for her determination and constant engagement in Senate business. Senator Quan also presented her resolution on creating a dedicated exam proctoring space on campus. After the Senate voted on and passed the Green Investment resolution and the Board of Trustees Transparency resolution. Lastly Senate engaged in discussion regarding the Syrian/Turkish Earthquake and how best to assist in student requests for university support. March 1 Agenda | March 1 Minutes 
  • The team welcomed Mike Webber, President of the USF Faculty Association. Conversation centered around student - faculty relationships and the possibility of a university wide attendance policy. The Senate voted on and passed the Dedicated Exam Proctoring Space Resolution. Senators Mak and Karani also presented their Public Posting Board resolution. The team then held discussions regarding the results of the Student Activity Fee election results and the effectiveness of the Exam Fund initiative. March 8 Agenda | March 8 Minutes 
  • Coming off of a restful Spring Break the ASUSF Senate Team welcomed, Shannon Gary, Associate Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students, as the weeks guest speaker. Discussion centered around student wellness and mental health services the university offers. After, the team voted on and passed the Public Posting Board resolution. Senator Cameron also introduced his Bon Appetit Communication Resolution. March 22 Agenda |March 22 Minutes
  • This week the ASUSF Senate welcomed Senator Yang as the new School of Management representative! The team also heard heard two resolution presentations;  Senator Parrino's Gender Inclusive Housing Resolution and Senators Mak's and Del Puerto's Tuition Statement Resolution. Both received constructive feedback and will be voted on in coming weeks. Senator Mak received the Senator of the Month award for his outstanding commitment and creative initiatives. The team wrapped up the meeting by brainstorming constructive questions for Spring Town Hall. March 29 Agenda | March 29 Minutes
  • The ASUSF Senate voted on and passed three resolutions; Gender Inclusive Housing Equity, Bon Appetit Transparency, and the Tuition Increase Statement. In addition, two other resolutions were presented to the team; Senator Cameron's Statement of Support for the Faculty Association and Senator Smugalova's International Student Scholarship Resolution. The team also discussed some working ideas and engagement opportunities during open forum. The meeting adjourned early so Senate could go support the Title IX REPS event. April 5 Agenda | April 5 Minutes
  • This week the ASUSF Senate team had the pleasure of having University President, Fr. Paul Fitzgerald as our guest speaker. Senators asked questions regarding life in the dorms, university finances, and transparent communication. In addition the team voted on and passed the International Student Scholarship Resolution and two different club financial accounts. Three new resolutions were presented; UC3 Patio Development, Gun Industry Divestment, and Title IX Office Space Resolutions. April 19 Agenda | April 19 Minutes
  • The team welcomed Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs, Chinyere Oparah, as this years last guest speaker. Discussion revolved around the University Strategic Plan, engagement and retention, burnout, and transparent communication strategies. The team then moved on to vote and pass the International Student Scholarship Resolution, the Faculty Statement of Support and the 23-24 ASUSF Budget. Senators then presented a number of different resolutions to get feedback and open for public comment before voting on them next meeting. April 26 Agenda | April 26 Minutes



  • At the first meeting of the year, ASUSF Senate reviewed senator expectations and solidified communications and time commitment logistics. The team then heard a presentation from Julie Orio, Vice President of Student Life. She gave an administration overview and spoke about the hiring process for vacant positions. She also spoke about recent updates and decisions the university came to in preparation for the 2022 - 2023 academic year. After the presentation and discussion, the executive board informed senators that committees would begin next week. August 24 Agenda | August 24 Minutes

  • Senate heard from Jada and Krystel from CFCC, the Culturally-Focused Clubs Council. They spoke about their organization's theme this year which is Radical Inclusivity and how it affects how they interact and uplift the different cultural organizations on campus. After a brief break, Senate discussed upcoming goals regarding the Involvement Fair and Dons Elections. The executive board also announced resolution workshop and outreach plans, which came out of senator reflections from Fall Training. August 31 Agenda | August 31 Minutes

  • The team heard from fellow senator, Dmitry Gorozhankin, as he presented his Night Caps Initiative to promote party safety. Senators gave him feedback regarding next steps and more outreach. The guest speaker this week was Marci Nunez, Director of Student Leadership and Engagement. She gave an overview of the department and spoke about upcoming events, such as the Doubleheader Chase Center Event in collaboration with the university's basketball teams. September 7 Agenda| September 7 Minutes

  • This week during Open Forum, Senator Zoe Wang asked the group about their thoughts on the current attendance policy to get feedback for a potential resolution. Kahanu Salavea was invited to speak on the USF Food Pantry. He spoke about the programs establishment, expansion, and objectives. He also expressed a need for creative ideas to support the increased number of students relying on the Food Pantry. The meeting adjourned early to accommodate filming a marketing video in collaboration with USFtv. September 14 Agenda| September 14 minutes

  • Senate heard a presentation given by the Title IX interns about REPS, which stands for Resource, Education, Prevention and Support. REPS aims to end sexual violence on campus through connecting students to resources, educating the community, preventing/intervening in disrespectful situations, and providing support to one another. ASUSF Senate and REPS brainstormed ways they could support each other this academic year to foster a safer and more transparent community. September 21 Agenda | September 21 minutes

  • This week the freshman representative candidates came in and spoke about their goals and experiences at USF so far. Senators Wang, Smagulova and Glancy all presented their senator reports. Topics they're working on include; the USF Food Pantry, international student employment, a clothing swap initiative, a committee member referendum and constituency outreach! After the General Senate passed funding requests from Kasamahan and the International Students Association. September 28 Agenda | September 28 Minutes

  • Senate's own VP of Finance, Nadine Tabucao, gave a brief presentation on the Student Activity Fee and facilitated an open discussion with the team on options regarding the future of the fee. Senator Johal and VP of Marketing & Communication, Jasleen Dhillon, presented the Kirpan Resolution for its first reading and feedback. The first Senator of the Month award was given to Senator Wang. October 5 Agenda | October 5 Minutes

  • The team passed its first resolution of the semester! The Kirpan Resolution aims to better accommodate Sikh identifying students by allowing them to wear their Kirpan on campus. In addition, Senate approved funding for Senator Gorozhankin's NightCaps initiative and also heard a presentation given by Senator Del Rosario on the need for menstrual products in restrooms. October 12 Agenda | October 12 Minutes

  • Senate engaged in a reflective discussion regarding the previous weeks Town Hall and made an action plan for next steps. Senator Del Rosario's Menstrual Products in Restrooms Resolution passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned early in order to help set up Campus Activities Board's Fright Night Event. October 26 Agenda | October 26 Minutes 

  • Student Leadership & Engagement Director, Marci Nunez, gave the team an update on ASUSF Finances. Discussion ensued regarding past and future financial trends and actions the Senate could take. In addition, the Public Safety Communication Resolution was introduced before senators split off for collaborative work time. Senator Del Rosario was awarded Senator of the Month for her hard work and consistence. November 2 Agenda | November 2 Minutes 

  • This week Senate invited the Senior Director of Public Safety, Dan Lawson, as a guest speaker. He updated the team on Public Safety's role on campus and relevant updates from this year. The team then engaged in fruitful discussion on how to improve the relationship between Public Safety and the student body. Senator Teruya's Public Safety Resolution was approved unanimously with some amendments. After the team hear Senator Reports by Senator Lopez, Del Puerto, and Quan. November 9 Agenda | November 9 Minutes

  • Three new resolutions were presented this week. The first being the Food Pantry Resolution, which states that leftover flexi funds can be donated to the USF Food Pantry. The Attendance Policy Resolution which intends to clarify the current attendance policy. Lastly the Student Employment Communication Resolution was introduced, which pushes to improve the student employment process. Next, the executives presented their reports with the team on current or recent projects they've been working on. November 16 Agenda | November 16 Minutes

  • This week Senate heard from Sara Solloway and Shona Milazo from CASA (Center for Academic and Student Achievement). They spoke about the different services they offer students and what they're hearing from the current student body. The Student Employment Resolution was passed unanimously while the Mascot Resolution and the Student Activity Fee Referendum were presented as well. November 30 Agenda | November 30 Minutes 



Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |Week 6 |Week 7 Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11| Week 12

Week 1 | Week 2 |Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 |Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12

Open All


  • For the first Spring 2022 meeting, the team discussed the potential change to virtual programs for commencement. The team then conversed with guest speakers, Susan and Nathan, about the event for Day of the Dons. The team was then discussed the open positions on Senate and approved a budget request. The meeting ended with a few announcements of events happening on campus and the application deadline for Senate positions. January 26 Agenda | January 26 Minutes
  • The Senate discussed the open positions on the team and recruitment before applications closed. Guest speaker, Julie Orio, spoke on behalf of Student Life. Orio discussed current COVID-19 protocols, projects Student Life if working on, the search for a Senior Director for CAPS, and Public Safety. Then the Senate discussed SB 851, which would advocate for an increase in the Cal-grant. Senate also discussed and voted on the approval of opening a financial account for Community for Inclusive Living, as well as, Undocumented Migrant Association. The meeting closed on a discussion of inviting Provost Oparah and several announcements. February 2 Agenda | February 2 Minutes
  • February 9 Agenda | February 9 Meeting Cancelled
  • The Senate approved the Hui O' Hawaii and the Kasamahan budget requests. Avneet Johal was interviewed and then approved to be the Student of Color Representative. President Castro then presented the first resolution of this year. VP Resayo presented the plans with the GIFT Fund and the meeting was adjourned after several announcements. February 16 Agenda | February 16 Minutes
  • February 23 Agenda
  • Tabling for Dons Elections occurred on March 2nd
  • The Senate approved a travel funding request for Tri Delta. Guest Speaker Provost Chinyere Oparah first acknowledged the loss of USF student Chris Liang before updating the team of the current tasks of her team. Provost Oparah informed the Senate of the approval of the Strategic Plan and further discussed mental health coping strategies. Afterwards, VPIA Lovepreet Dhinsa inducted Student of Color Representative Avneet Johal, College of Arts and Sciences Representative Sidney Tran, Senior Class Representative Sarah Ali, and Student Wellness Representative Anant Gorthi. VPIA Dhinsa then introduced the Title IX Referendum. The Title IX Referendum would establish the Title IX Resources, Education, Prevention, and Support (REPS) Representative as a permanent position on ASUSF Senate. After discussion, senators briefly informed the rest of the team of their current tasks and goals before the end of the semester. The meeting was adjourned after general announcements. March 9th Agenda | March 9th Minutes
  • The Title IX Referendum was approved by the Senate. VPA Angelo Resayo presented information on the ACUI Conference he attended during spring break. After the presentation, senators were asked to begin their transition documents for the next team. The senators were also encouraged to promote and/or run for dons elections. Deadlines for tasks and resolutions were announced before the meeting adjourned. March 23rd Agenda | March 23rd Minutes
  • VPA Angelo Resayo presents a reviews the policies and procedures with the Senate. Several resolutions were then discussed with the team for feedback and support. Upcoming deadlines were then announced to the team and the meeting was adjourned. March 30th Agenda | March 30th Minutes
  • The Kirpan Resolution and the Halal Resolution were presented to the Senate. Senators were requested to table for Earth Day and Dons Elections. Afterwards, the financial accounts for United Students for Veterans' Health, Hive Minders, and Japanese Student Association were discussed, voted, and approved. April 13th Agenda | April 13th Minutes
  • The CSO Budget for the 2022-2023 Academic Year was presented to the Senate, the Halal Resolution was voted on and approved, and the timeline for the rest of the year was announced. The meeting was adjourned shortly after several announcements. April 20th Agenda | April 20th Minutes
  • April 27th Agenda



  • As the first gathering of ASUSF Senate, the team discussed communication guidelines, responsibilities, and protocol to follow throughout the year. One the expectations were made clear, the team commenced the break period. The Senate continued to provide their availability and were asked to attend Involvement Fair. The executive board informed the senators of the current tasks being addressed as individuals and within the committees. They also announced the recruitment period for Magis.  August 25 Agenda | August 25 Minutes
  • Provost Chinyere came to discuss the changes she would like to see on campus. The Senate then discussed the logistics of Involvement Fair, such as, the location for marketing ASUSF Senate and items that will be given to students. Afterwards, the team discussed office hours and the weekly presidential updates. September 1 Agenda | September 1 Minutes
  • Guest speakers from the Culturally-Focused Clubs Council (CFCC), Metyia Phillips and Jada Commodore, spoke of the resources CFCC offers. They shared their values, themes, and idea of how CFCC and ASUSF Senate could work together. Senator Zuri announced the date for the event she organizing for SDS students. The Senate spoke of the progress in elections and then began a break period. ASUSF Senate welcomed the guest speakers from SLE: Marci Nuñez, César Delgadillo, and Jessica Alva. They spoke of the goals, current programs and clubs, resources for students, and future events for this academic year. The Referendum to Add 4 At-Large Representative Position and the Referendum to Add 2 UBAC Representative Positions  were approved by ASUSF Senate. The ASUSF Senate also discussed the SOHNP Position Description Amendments, the Truman Scholarship for Public Service, and Angelo's Speaker Series. Senators are required to submit a professional headshot and turn in their contracts. September 8 Agenda | September 8 Minutes
  • Guest Speaker, Dan Lawson, spoke on behalf of the Department of Public Safety. He informed the Senate of current plans to increase campus safety and how the Department of Public Safety is addressing the community's concerns. Then AFUSF Senate discussed, voted, and approved Model United Nations' funding request. The Freshman Representative applicants introduced themselves to the team and Jasleen Dhillon, the At-Large applicant, came in to speak to the Senators. ASUSF Senate discussed expectations for Senator Reports, elections marketing, the theme for the fall town hall, Senator of the Month nominations, weekly emails, and the date for mid-semester training. September 15 Agenda | September 15 Minutes
  • Katrina Garry from Title IX and Lisa Quach from CAPS provided an update of current programs, initiatives, resources, and processes available from both the Title IX and CAPS offices. ASUSF then talked about the voter turnout for this fall's election. Each senator then had the opportunity to provide an update on the tasks they are working on. Both Angelo and Miles were voted as September's Senators of the Month. The Senators also approved Jasleen Dhillon as the new At-Large Representative: Sikh Student Representative. Then the student organization accounts for Hockey Club and Taiwanese Club were discussed, voted on, and approved. The meeting ended with a requirement for all senators to have at least one hour of office hours in person. September 22 Agenda | September 22 Minutes
  • September 29 Agenda
  • Father Fitzgerald introduces himself as the guest speaker to the senate members. He then comments or answers any questions concerning the University of San Francisco.  October 6 Agenda | October 6 Minutes
  • Pamela Organista, the Senior Vice Provost for Equity Inclusion and Faculty Excellence, Psychology Professor, and the Co-leader of the USF Strategic Plan, was invited to ASUSF's General Senate Meeting. She spoke about the future goals and the vision of the USF Strategic Plan. Afterwards, the senate members discussed and approved American Medical Women's Association's financial account. ASUSF Senate then discussed the plan for Town Hall and proceeded to enter into a closed session. The Executive board then gave an announcement about the LME Incident and promoted the open positions on the team. October 13 Agenda | October 13 Minutes 
  • CASA was invited to inform ASUSF of the programs offered by CASA and the information gathered by the Student Success Survey. Senators then presented the progress they have achieved throughout the semester. They also shared the ongoing tasks they are currently tackling. The Senators were then informed of the expectations for Town Hall. October 20 Agenda |October 20 Minutes
  • ASUSF Senate discussed, voted, and approved the Healthcare Business Association Financial Account. November 10 Agenda | November 10 Minutes
  • Applicants for ASUSF Senator positions come to present and introduce themselves to the team. The next meeting, December 1st, will be the last formal meeting for the fall semester. November 17 Agenda | November 17 Minutes
  • ASUSF Senate discussed, voted, and approved the Senator Applicants: Anat Gorthi as Student wellness Representative, Rahul Pratap as Pre-Med Representative, and Sarah Ali as Senior Class Representative. Title IX REPS Representative applicants introduced themselves and presented to the team. Their application required a suspension of the bylaws and both Ariana Anavat and Maya Oliveros were approved for the position. Angelo Resayo also presented to the team for his application for Vice President of Advocacy. After his presentation, the team suspended the bylaws and voted to approve his position as VPA. December 1 Agenda | December 1 Minutes


Week 1 

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12

Open All


  • Sarah Chavez was inducted as the new College of Arts and Sciences Representative. The General Senate was briefed for the plans of upcoming events, reviewed training, and updated on the decision making process for the new provost. The Senate then voted to approve a new account for Immigration Reform and the Title IX Bylaws. January 27th Agenda | January 27th Minutes
  • The Senate attended a closed session for "Mental Health 101: Speaking Our Minds". They then later discussed the anti-racist initiative with guest speaker, Dr. Wardell. Dr. Wardell identified the key details on the initiatives that will be implemented over the course of several semesters. The Senate later approved the addition of a new committee chair for IA Committee. Lester Deanes then presented the idea to send out a care package to all students. February 3rd Agenda | February 3rd Minutes
  • The Senate discussed and voted on the care package request that was presented by Lester Deanes. The executive board then informed the Senate of the interview process for the VPA position and the topic for the Spring Town Hall. The meeting then entered a closed session for Valentine's Family Feud. February 10th Agenda | February 10th Minutes
  • Guest Speakers, Erin Echols & Jinni Pradhan, presented the development, process, formatting, and goals of the CDI workshops. After further discussion, Sarah Chavez became the Senator of the Month. The Senate then discussed a potential tuition increase, voted Ethan Lee-Bellows as the new VPA, and discussed further actions the senators must take before the end of the semester. February 17th Agenda | February 17th Minutes
  • Guest Speaker, Angelica Quinonez, came to speak on behalf of the University Ministry. Quinonez spoke of the changes in the University Ministry to provide increased access to programs and resources. The Senate approved applicants: Lauren Diaz, Ava Albert, and Miles Goodman. The Senate was then informed of upcoming events and other important dates. February 24th Agenda | February 24th Minutes
  • Lauren Diaz was inducted as the Gender & Sexuality Diversity Representative, Ava Albert was inducted as the Students with Disabilities Representative, and Miles Goodman was inducted as the Transfer Students Representative. The Senate approved the committee codes and Bianca Mantovani for Sophomore Class Representative. The Senate went over updates for upcoming events, dates, and accomplished goals of this semester. The meeting then entered a closed session for March Bonding. March 3rd Agenda | March 3rd Minutes
  • The Spring Town Hall was a space to discuss the Title IX Report. This event was not recorded and took place on March 10th.
  • Bianca Mantovani was inducted as the Sophomore Class Representative. The Senate then discussed the BOT event, transition documents, the referendum presented by Senator Berkelee and important dates. Lovepreet became the Senator of the Month and three resolutions were presented to the Senate: Land Recognition Resolution, The Disarmament and Reform of the Department of Public Safety Officers, and the Zoom Fatigue Resolution. March 24th Agenda | March 24th Minutes
  • The Board of Trustees were invited to have a discussion with ASUSF Senate on March 31st. March 31st Minutes
  • The Senate met with Colette Hayes and Nicky Andrews to discuss the available resources and events hosted by the Gleeson Library. Guest speaker, Karyn Schell, presented the attempts that are being made to accommodate students with disabilities in foreign language classes. The Senate also discussed, voted, and approved the UBAC Referendum, the Referendum to add 4 At-Large seats on Senate, Land Recognition Resolution, The Disarmament and Reform of the Department of Public Safety Officers, and the Zoom Fatigue Resolution.  April 7th Agenda | April 7th Minutes
  • ASUSF Senate hosted a campaigning event to get to know all of the running candidates. April 14 Agenda | April 14 Minutes
  • Guest Speakers, Jada Commodore and Metyia Phillips, discussed with Senate about opportunities for CFCC and Senate to work together. VPA Lee-Bellows informed Senate on sustainability efforts. The Senate pledges to minimize paper use in the future. The Senate held a closed bonding time session. Senator Chavez is the last Senator of the Month and the Senate Graduate Intern, Manny, accepted a job in Oregon. April 21 Agenda | April 21 Minutes
  • ASUSF Elections had a 15% voter turnout. ASUSF Senators must complete transition documents before the end of their term. Guest Speaker Katrina Garry is the new Deputy Title IX Coordinator and led a conversation on what her current goals are for USF. Vice President Ali presented the ASUSF budget to the Senate. The Resolution for Supporting Muslim Students, Exam Fund Resolution, Inclusion of Resident Ministers in Student Residence Halls, Suicide Prevention Hotline & Domestic Violence Hotline was presented to the Senate. April 28 Agenda | April 28 Minutes
  • The CSO's annual budget and the APAS resolution was approved by the Senate. The Resolution for Supporting Muslim Students, Exam Fund Resolution, Inclusion of Resident Ministers in Student Residence Halls, Suicide Prevention Hotline & Domestic Violence Hotline was approved by the Senate. May 5 Agenda | May 5 Minutes



  • Induction of the Senate team was followed by an announcement of the 2020 fall election. The  Senators discussed the current communication between organizations, the senate, and the administration. The discussion came to a halt when guest speaker, Anna Jaeger, arrived. Jaeger presented the usefulness of the updated version of the USFMobile app and the benefits of Student Hub. August 19th Agenda | August 19th Minutes
  • Senators signed-up to be involved in the Involvement Fair, reviewed and signed ISA's Statement of Empathy, and went over the Title IX task force plan before introducing guest speaker, Jess Varga. Varga informed the Senate of the process a student or employee must go through when a claim is made. She then announced the plans the Title IX office are making to meet the demands of the students and how the office implemented the new demands under federal law. The meeting ended with the Executives informing all Senators of the Instagram posts being made and an open opportunity for Senators to work as a Health Ambassador.  August 26th Agenda | August 26th Minutes
  • Senate reviewed the policies and finances for SLE and approved various USO accounts. Senators also approved the amendments to the bylaws and committee codes made by the IA committee. Becca Muñoz is the senator of the month and guest speaker, Angeline Vuong, was introduced to the Senate. Vuong spoke of the importance of voting and explained why all USF students should vote.  September 2nd Agenda | September 2nd Minutes
  • Three resolution were presented to the senate: Regulation of the Public Safety Rounds in Residence Halls, Board of Trustees Advisory Committee, and Increase Support for the Dean's Emergency Fund. Guest speaker, Michael Tadesse-Bell, spoke of the BASE program and how it has been beneficial to USF. Following Tadesse-Bell, another guest speaker, Dan Lawson, answered various questions concerning the Department of Public Safety. The meeting concluded with updates of the financial discussion based on the Fall 2020 Census. September 9th Agenda | September 9th Minutes
  • Drew Love was inducted as the Freshman Representative. Senate then voted and approved all the resolutions presented the previous week. Senate also discussed the Pass/Fail policies the university is considering. Senate signed the "Time to Vote" letter and Senator Ethan provides updates for his work as a Health Ambassador. Guest speaker, Julie Orio, spoke on the decisions that led to remote learning and how it has affected USF. Orio provided additional feedback on the discussion for the educational format that will be taking place in the spring. ASUSF President John, then led the discussion for the search of a new Provost. September 16th Agenda | September 16th Minutes
  • Senate plans to attend a leadership conference for mid-semester training, the Academic Integrity Committee requests undergraduate student representation on the committee, and Berkelee is the Senator of the Month for September. All senators informed each other of the different tasks they have been taking on and the progress they have made on these tasks. Guest speaker, Jeff Hamrick, provided insight on the University's budget and how COVID-19 affected USF financially. September 23rd Agenda | September 23rd Minutes
  • Fiza Shaikh presented a need for Muslim representation within USF. Senate discussed the interview with Shaikh and voted to accept Shaikh as a Muslim Student At-Large Representative. Senate was informed of the Mental Health Training, discussed email etiquette towards administration, and attending the GO Team Bingo Space. Guest speakers Michael Beseda and Angelika Williams answered questions surrounding USF attendance and student financial services. The meeting ended with executives updating the senate of the different tasks the team is working on.  September 30th Agenda | September 30th Minutes
  • Fiza Shaikh was inducted into the Senate as a Muslim Student Representative. Father Paul attended the meeting to update the Senate of the decisions made and the tasks administration is working on. Then the senators reviewed the Resolution process and were tasked with creating a calendar for time management purposes. October 7th Agenda | Octob er 7th Minutes
  • The Senate voted on the amendments and bylaws for the President's Advisory Committee on the Board of Trustees. The Senators were asked to make a tik tok video of their activities as a Senator. The Senators were also invited to attend the Executive Meeting to meet with Trustee Del Santo. The Senate then attended a QPR training. October 14th Agenda | October 14th Minutes
  • The Sexual Conduct Prevention and Education Committee & the More Transparent Process for Student Nominations on the Board of Trustees Resolutions were presented to the Senate. The Senate members updated each other of the various tasks they are working on. October 21st Agenda | October 21st Minutes
  • October 28th Fall Town Hall Recording
  • The Senate approved the Sexual Conduct Prevention and Education Committee resolution, the More Transparent Process for Student Nominations on the Board of Trustees resolutions, the funding account for ASUSF Travel, and the funding account for the School of Management Honors Society. The Senate also discussed the Town Hall, social media platforms, and the search for a Deputy Coordinator. Guest Speaker, Alex Hochman, spoke on behalf of Career Services and provided great ways to build the opportunities for employment. November 4th Agenda | November 4th Minutes
  • The Senate discussed the Increased Commitment to Student, Staff, and Faculty resolution and the student experience of remote learning. Guest speakers, Shona Milazo and Sara Solloway, gave a presentation of the CASA department and shared the feedback they received from the student survey. The Senate then approved Shelly Anne Aquino for the SONHP Representative. November 11th Agenda | November 11th Minutes
  • At-Large applicants presented to the Senate and Shelly Anne Aquino was inducted into the Senate as the new SONHP Representative. Increased Commitment to Student, Staff, and Faculty resolution and the Increased Accessibility for External Mental Health Issues resolution was discussed and voted on. November 18th Agenda | November 18th Minutes
  • Olivia Williams and Dallas Williams were inducted as new At-Large member of the ASUSF Senate and Sarah Chavez was approved to be the new College of Arts and Sciences Representative. The Increased Accessibility for External Mental Health Resources Resolution was approved by the Senate. Berkelee Jimenez became senator of the month and the Executives reported the current and upcoming changes happening in both the Jesuit community and the USF community. December 2nd Agenda | December 2nd Minutes


Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4  | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13 | Week 14

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10 | Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15