ASUSF Student Activity Fee

What is it? 

The Student Activity Fee is a fee that every undergraduate student pays. It is included with student tuition, and costs $131 each semester during the 2024-25 Academic Year. 


The ASUSF Student Activity Fee is a fee paid by every ASUSF member each semester. ASUSF means undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Management, or School of Nursing and Health Professions that attend the Hilltop campus. 

Who is funded by this fee? 

The Student Activity Fee funds student organizations that contribute to student life. 

The student organizations that receive annual funding through this fee are the Chartered Student Organizations. This includes ASUSF Senate, ASUSF Voices, Campus Activities Board (CAB), College Players, Culturally Focused Clubs Council (CFCC), Get Oriented Team (GO Team), SF Foghorn, Support Services, and USFtv. 

Other Undergraduate Student Organizations such as Kasamahan at USF, Indian Student Organization, International Student Association, Queer Safety and Education in Nursing, and Delta Delta Delta are all eligible for the funding that is provided through the SAF, however they are not required to request on an annual basis, only as necessary and within the parameters set by ASUSF Senate. 

Who allocates the Student Activity Fee?

ASUSF Senate's Finance Committee allocates the operating revenue that is produced by the SAF. This Finance Committee is composed of and completely led by students. With the limited budget provided, it is the Finance Committee's goal to equitably allocate funds to the organizations that apply for it. 

What are some examples of the events/items that have been funded by the SAF? 

CAB's Donaroo, Kasamahan's PCN, ISO's Diwali, College Players' Rocky Horror Picture Show, GO Team's Drag Night, and more!