ASUSF Operating Budget

ASUSF Operating Budget

The ASUSF Student Activity Fee is disbursed to provide increased activities, opportunities, and services for undergraduate students and undergraduate student organizations with the goal to advance student life at USF. The annual ASUSF operating budget is allocated by ASUSF Senate.

ASUSF Finance Committee

The ASUSF Finance Committee is a committee of undergraduate students that assists in managing fiscal resources of ASUSF and develops a recommended annual budget for review by ASUSF Senate. The ASUSF Finance Committee is chaired by the ASUSF Vice President of Finance. All members of the ASUSF are eligible to serve on the ASUSF Finance Committee.

Services of ASUSF

The ASUSF Operating Budget supports Chartered Student Organizations and various services of ASUSF which strengthen student life across campus.


Event Funding is a dedicated source of funding for recognized student organizations to request for signature campus events. The total amount allocated to ASUSF Event Funding for 2024-25 is $70,000. 


Development Funding is a dedicated source of funding for recognized student organizations to request for internal development. The total amount allocated to ASUSF Internal Development Funding for 2024-25 is $7,000. 

ASUSF conference FUNDING 

Conference Funding is a dedicated source of funding for recognized student organizations to request for conference events. The total amount allocated to ASUSF Travel Funding for 2024–25 is $45,000.

USF Senate elections

Senate Elections are the elections for all undergraduate students held each semester.


The Green Initiative Fund for Tomorrow is a dedicated fund for environmental sustainability efforts on campus. 

Chartered Student Organizations

Chartered Student Organizations are recognized student organizations that have petitioned the ASUSF Senate to be considered for consistent annual funding from the annual ASUSF Operating Budget.

ASUSF College Players

ASUSF College Players is oldest student run theater group west of the Mississippi. College Players strives to be an outlet for original student created work which supports the University's mission to create a more humane and just world.

ASUSF Senate

ASUSF Senate is the undergraduate student government organization that advocates for student voices to be heard and carried forward in order to inspire progress and promote positive change in the USF community.

ASUSF Voices

ASUSF Voices is comprised of a group of choirs on campus, which gives students the opportunity who enjoy singing to participate in performances. The main choir, Voices, is a non-audition choir. The subgroups require auditions.

Campus Activities Board (CAB)

Campus Activities Board is the event programming organization that coordinates large-scale campus events. The events are planned by students. CAB has a Street Team of general student members who assist in the planning and execution of each event.

Culturally-Focused Clubs Council (CFCC)

Culturally-Focused Clubs Council is a council of representatives from several culturally-focused club. They are designed for intergroup communication, collaboration, leadership development, cultural competency, and ally-building training.

Graphics Center

Graphics Center strives to enhance the awareness of events on campus through designed promotional materials. Their services are free to all ASUSF clubs. Design services are also available to USF departments and outside organizations for a fee.

San Francisco Foghorn

San Francisco Foghorn is the student newspaper of USF that aims to inform the university community about important USF issues. In its coverage, the Foghorn reports on events and happenings to help students understand the university community.


USFtv aims to serve the USF community in representing the student voice, providing entertainment, and reporting on USF related news. USFtv also acts as an avenue for USF video production and marketing students to gain field experience.


ASUSF Support Services are resources and support dedicated to all recognized undergraduate student organizations.