Rock Climbing Club

Club Rock Climbing is dedicated to bringing rock climbers, athletes, and outdoorsmen together.  Our goal is to introduce USF students to the sport and culture of rock climbing, as well as integrate them into the San Francisco climbing community. 

We stand by the saying "rock climbing is not about conquering but being conquered" by the wonders of the natural world, so we also maintain a focus on environmentalism and ensure that students understand the importance of the outdoors towards climbing.

To connect with the Club Rock Climbing Officers please email

USF Student Testimonials:

“Club Sports means community.  Aside from going to class, USF Rock Climbing Club was the first thing I did when I transferred.  Through it I have made some of my closest friends and been challenged in new ways that have helped me grow in way more than just the climbing sense.  The best part about my Club is my peers.  I can’t stress enough how great the rock climbing community is.  Everyone is so encouraging, kind, and supportive.

My favorite Club Sport memory is when Planet Granite had a Halloween lights out climb.  Seeing everyone all dressed up and having a blast while climbing was great and a really good break from school stress.  Also teaching people the basics of climbing, it is really cool to see other people take an interest in something you are passionate about.  If I could give advice to future Club Sports participants I would say just try, worst case scenario you fall, but then you can get back up. With climbing you have to push yourself and sometimes it can be scary, but when you finally get to the top of a route that was a challenge it is an amazing feeling.” - Madison Andersen [USF Graduate]

How to get involved and submit participation dues

Club Rock Climbing Instagram